name: 'Setup Go environment' description: 'Setup a Go environment and add it to the PATH' author: 'walker-sheng' # Add your action's branding here. This will appear on the GitHub Marketplace. branding: icon: 'heart' color: 'red' # Define your inputs here. inputs: go-version: description: 'The Go version to download (if necessary) and use. Supports semver spec and ranges. Be sure to enclose this option in single quotation marks.' required: true architecture: description: 'Target architecture for Go to use. Examples: x86, x64. Will use system architecture by default.' # Define your outputs here. outputs: go-version: description: 'The installed Go version. Useful when given a version range as input.' cache-hit: description: 'A boolean value to indicate if a cache was hit' runs: using: node20 main: dist/index.js post: 'dist/cache-save/index.js' post-if: success()