From ce0230150b5161a5cfeaa30ab37935d7e294a0b9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: joylink_cuiweidong <>
Date: Wed, 30 Oct 2019 18:07:09 +0800
Subject: [PATCH] =?UTF-8?q?=E6=8E=A5=E5=8F=A3=E8=B0=83=E6=95=B4?=
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
src/api/management/operation.js | 128 ++++-----
src/i18n/langs/en/lesson.js | 243 ++++++++--------
src/i18n/langs/zh/lesson.js | 241 ++++++++--------
src/views/approval/runPlan/index.vue | 327 +++++++++++-----------
src/views/lesson/trainingRule/list.vue | 20 +-
src/views/lesson/trainingRule/saveAs.vue | 18 +-
src/views/lesson/trainingmanage/draft.vue | 11 +-
src/views/lesson/trainingmanage/index.vue | 14 +-
src/views/management/userControl/edit.vue | 181 ++++++------
9 files changed, 593 insertions(+), 590 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/api/management/operation.js b/src/api/management/operation.js
index 9bee8d558..06645e275 100644
--- a/src/api/management/operation.js
+++ b/src/api/management/operation.js
@@ -5,131 +5,131 @@ import request from '@/utils/request';
* 获取实训规则列表
export function getTrainingRulesList(params) {
- return request({
- url: `/api/operate`,
- method: 'get',
- params: params
- });
+ return request({
+ url: `/api/operate`,
+ method: 'get',
+ params: params
+ });
* 生成考试定义规则
export function postTrainingRulesData(data) {
- return request({
- url: `/api/operate`,
- method: 'post',
- data: data
- });
+ return request({
+ url: `/api/operate`,
+ method: 'post',
+ data: data
+ });
* 修改考试定义规则
export function putTrainingRulesData(data) {
- return request({
- url: `/api/operate/${}`,
- method: 'put',
- data: data
- });
+ return request({
+ url: `/api/operate/${}`,
+ method: 'put',
+ data: data
+ });
* 删除考试定义规则
export function deleteTrainingRulesData(id) {
- return request({
- url: `/api/operate/${id}`,
- method: 'DELETE'
- });
+ return request({
+ url: `/api/operate/${id}`,
+ method: 'DELETE'
+ });
* 获取实训规则步骤详情列表
export function getOperateStepDataList(id, params) {
- return request({
- url: `/api/operate/${id}/step`,
- method: 'get',
- params: params
- });
+ return request({
+ url: `/api/operate/${id}/step`,
+ method: 'get',
+ params: params
+ });
* 创建操作步骤
export function postOperateStepData(params) {
- return request({
- url: `/api/operate/${params.definitionId}/step`,
- method: 'post',
- data: params
- });
+ return request({
+ url: `/api/operate/${params.definitionId}/step`,
+ method: 'post',
+ data: params
+ });
* 修改操作步骤
export function putOperateStepData(params) {
- return request({
- url: `/api/operate/step/${}`,
- method: 'put',
- data: params
- });
+ return request({
+ url: `/api/operate/step/${}`,
+ method: 'put',
+ data: params
+ });
* 修改操作步骤
export function deleteOperateStepData(id) {
- return request({
- url: `/api/operate/step/${id}`,
- method: 'delete'
- });
+ return request({
+ url: `/api/operate/step/${id}`,
+ method: 'delete'
+ });
* 批量生成操作列表
export function addTrainingRulesList(skinCode, data) {
- return request({
- url: `/api/operate/${skinCode}/generate`,
- method: 'post',
- data: data
- });
+ return request({
+ url: `/api/operate/${skinCode}/generate`,
+ method: 'post',
+ data: data
+ });
* 获取操作占位列表
export function getPlaceholderList(data) {
- return request({
- url: `/api/operate/placeholder`,
- method: 'get',
- params: {
- trainingType: data.trainingType,
- skinCode: data.skinCode
- }
- });
+ return request({
+ url: `/api/operate/placeholder`,
+ method: 'get',
+ params: {
+ trainingType: data.trainingType,
+ skinCode: data.skinCode
+ }
+ });
* 获取产品下实训操作列表
export function getOperateTrainingList(data) {
- return request({
- url: `/api/operate/type`,
- method: 'get',
- params: {
- productType: data.productType,
- skinCode: data.skinCode
- }
- });
+ return request({
+ url: `/api/operate/type`,
+ method: 'get',
+ params: {
+ productType: data.productType,
+ mapId: data.mapId
+ }
+ });
// 另存为 操作定义
-export function postOperateSaveAs(skinCode, other) {
- return request({
- url: `/api/operate/${skinCode}/saveAs/${other}`,
- method: 'post'
- });
+export function postOperateSaveAs(mapId, other) {
+ return request({
+ url: `/api/operate/${mapId}/saveAs/${other}`,
+ method: 'post'
+ });
diff --git a/src/i18n/langs/en/lesson.js b/src/i18n/langs/en/lesson.js
index 3a0b71073..ba2108a93 100644
--- a/src/i18n/langs/en/lesson.js
+++ b/src/i18n/langs/en/lesson.js
@@ -1,123 +1,124 @@
export default {
- trainingList: 'Training list',
- filterPlaceholder: 'Input key for filtering',
- addTraining: 'Add training',
- editTraining: 'Edit training',
- demonstration: 'Demonstration',
- hasCalcelDelete: 'Canceled deletion',
- isConfirmDelete: 'Whether to confirm deletion?',
- trainingName: 'Training Name',
- trainingType: 'Training Type',
- stationList: 'Station List',
- stepInfo: 'Step Information',
- selectMap: 'Please select the map',
- selectTraining: 'Please select the training',
- findStationPlaceholder: 'Input keywords to inquire station',
- stepNo: 'Step No',
- deviceNumber: 'Device Number',
- deviceType: 'Device Type',
- operationType: 'Operation Type',
- returnValue: 'Return Value',
- tips: 'Tips',
- startRecording: 'Start Recording',
- endRecording: 'End Recording',
- nextStep: 'Next Step',
- selectMode: 'Mode',
- deleteSuccess: 'Delete successfully',
- wellDelTrainingRule: 'This action will delete the training rule. Do you want to continue?',
- stepDetail: 'Detail',
- generation: 'Generation',
- skinType: 'Skin Type',
- saveAs: 'Save As',
- skinTypeFrom: 'from',
- skinTypeTo: 'to',
- copyLesson: 'Duplicate course definition',
- minDuration: 'The Best Available',
- maxDuration: 'The Largest Available',
- trainingRemark: 'Explain',
- createOperateRule: 'Create Action Rules',
- editOperateRule: 'Edit Action Rules',
- tipNamePlaceholderInfo: "Select the placeholder '{}' not to be deleted, otherwise the name will display incorrectly!",
- tipExplainPlaceholderInfo: "Select placeholder '{}' not to be deleted, otherwise the display will be problematic!",
- generationOperation: 'Automatic Generation Operation',
- wellClearOperate: 'This operation clears all operation definitions under the skin. Do you want to continue?',
- batchCreateSuccess: 'Batch build operation definition successful',
- createOperateSuccess: 'The operation definition was created successfully',
- updateOperateSuccess: 'The update steps were successful',
- wellDelOperate: 'This action will delete the training step. Do you want to continue?',
- operateCode: 'Opcode',
- stepReturn: 'Return Value',
- stepTips: 'Tips',
- createStepInfo: 'Create Step Information',
- eidtStepInfo: 'Edit Step Information',
- product: 'Product',
- remarks: 'Remarks',
- operateSuccess: 'Operation successfully',
- createChapter: 'Create chapter',
- contentSorting: 'Content sorting',
- courseList: 'Course list',
- countSkinCode: 'Duplicate skin cannot be the same type as the copied skin',
- createNewCoursesFromRelease: 'Create new courses from release',
- courseName: 'Course name',
- parentChapter: 'Parent chapter:',
- chapterName: 'Chapter name:',
- chapterInstructions: 'Chapter instructions:',
- associatedTraining: 'Associated training:',
- updateChapter: 'Update chapter',
- automaticOrManual: 'Auto/Manual',
- automatic: 'Automatic',
- manual: 'Manual',
- publishCourseName: 'Publish course name:',
- draftCourseName: 'Draft course name:',
- associatedSkin: 'Associated skin:',
- associatedProducts: 'Associated products:',
- courseDescription: 'Course description',
- editCourse: 'Edit course',
- createCourse: 'Create course',
- courseRelease: 'Course release',
- releaseAssociatedCity: 'Release associated city:',
- releaseAssociatedMap: 'Release associated map:',
- trainingSequence: 'Training sequence',
- creationTime: 'Creation time',
- finishTime: 'Finish time',
- createResults: 'Create results',
- start: 'start',
- toPerform: 'To perform',
- productType: 'Product type:',
- minTime: 'Minimum time:',
- maxTime: 'Largest time:',
- trainingDescription: 'Training description:',
- generateTraining: 'Generate training',
- updateTraining: 'Update training',
- deleteTraining: 'Delete training',
- automaticGenerationOfTraining: 'Automatic generation of training',
- modifyTrainingByCategory: 'Modify training by category',
- deleteAutoGeneratedTraining: 'Delete auto-generated training',
- menu: 'Menu',
- turnout: 'Turnout',
- section: 'Section',
- signaler: 'Signaler',
- controlMode: 'Control mode',
- platform: 'Platform',
- train: 'Train',
- station: 'Station',
- trainWindow: 'Train window',
- editStepInfo: 'Edit step information',
- trainingRecord: 'Training recording',
- lesson: 'Lesson',
- taskManage: 'Task manage',
- trainingRule: 'Training rule',
- trainingManage: 'Training manage',
- newConstruction: 'New',
- applicationForRelease: 'Application for release',
- rejectReason: 'Reason for rejection',
- withdraw: 'Withdraw',
- notRelease: 'Not release',
- pendingReview: 'Pending review',
- published: 'Published',
- rejected: 'Rejected',
- review: 'Review',
- explanation: 'Explanation',
- courseDetails: 'Course details',
- courseTree: 'Course tree:'
+ trainingList: 'Training list',
+ filterPlaceholder: 'Input key for filtering',
+ addTraining: 'Add training',
+ editTraining: 'Edit training',
+ demonstration: 'Demonstration',
+ hasCalcelDelete: 'Canceled deletion',
+ isConfirmDelete: 'Whether to confirm deletion?',
+ trainingName: 'Training Name',
+ trainingType: 'Training Type',
+ stationList: 'Station List',
+ stepInfo: 'Step Information',
+ selectMap: 'Please select the map',
+ selectTraining: 'Please select the training',
+ findStationPlaceholder: 'Input keywords to inquire station',
+ stepNo: 'Step No',
+ deviceNumber: 'Device Number',
+ deviceType: 'Device Type',
+ operationType: 'Operation Type',
+ returnValue: 'Return Value',
+ tips: 'Tips',
+ startRecording: 'Start Recording',
+ endRecording: 'End Recording',
+ nextStep: 'Next Step',
+ selectMode: 'Mode',
+ deleteSuccess: 'Delete successfully',
+ wellDelTrainingRule: 'This action will delete the training rule. Do you want to continue?',
+ stepDetail: 'Detail',
+ generation: 'Generation',
+ skinType: 'Skin Type',
+ saveAs: 'Save As',
+ skinTypeFrom: 'from',
+ skinTypeTo: 'to',
+ copyLesson: 'Duplicate course definition',
+ minDuration: 'The Best Available',
+ maxDuration: 'The Largest Available',
+ trainingRemark: 'Explain',
+ createOperateRule: 'Create Action Rules',
+ editOperateRule: 'Edit Action Rules',
+ tipNamePlaceholderInfo: "Select the placeholder '{}' not to be deleted, otherwise the name will display incorrectly!",
+ tipExplainPlaceholderInfo: "Select placeholder '{}' not to be deleted, otherwise the display will be problematic!",
+ generationOperation: 'Automatic Generation Operation',
+ wellClearOperate: 'This operation clears all operation definitions under the skin. Do you want to continue?',
+ batchCreateSuccess: 'Batch build operation definition successful',
+ createOperateSuccess: 'The operation definition was created successfully',
+ updateOperateSuccess: 'The update steps were successful',
+ wellDelOperate: 'This action will delete the training step. Do you want to continue?',
+ operateCode: 'Opcode',
+ stepReturn: 'Return Value',
+ stepTips: 'Tips',
+ createStepInfo: 'Create Step Information',
+ eidtStepInfo: 'Edit Step Information',
+ product: 'Product',
+ remarks: 'Remarks',
+ operateSuccess: 'Operation successfully',
+ createChapter: 'Create chapter',
+ contentSorting: 'Content sorting',
+ courseList: 'Course list',
+ countSkinCode: 'Duplicate skin cannot be the same type as the copied skin',
+ createNewCoursesFromRelease: 'Create new courses from release',
+ courseName: 'Course name',
+ parentChapter: 'Parent chapter:',
+ chapterName: 'Chapter name:',
+ chapterInstructions: 'Chapter instructions:',
+ associatedTraining: 'Associated training:',
+ updateChapter: 'Update chapter',
+ automaticOrManual: 'Auto/Manual',
+ automatic: 'Automatic',
+ manual: 'Manual',
+ publishCourseName: 'Publish course name:',
+ draftCourseName: 'Draft course name:',
+ associatedSkin: 'Associated skin:',
+ associatedProducts: 'Associated products:',
+ courseDescription: 'Course description',
+ editCourse: 'Edit course',
+ createCourse: 'Create course',
+ courseRelease: 'Course release',
+ releaseAssociatedCity: 'Release associated city:',
+ releaseAssociatedMap: 'Release associated map:',
+ trainingSequence: 'Training sequence',
+ creationTime: 'Creation time',
+ finishTime: 'Finish time',
+ createResults: 'Create results',
+ start: 'start',
+ toPerform: 'To perform',
+ productType: 'Product type:',
+ minTime: 'Minimum time:',
+ maxTime: 'Largest time:',
+ trainingDescription: 'Training description:',
+ generateTraining: 'Generate training',
+ updateTraining: 'Update training',
+ deleteTraining: 'Delete training',
+ automaticGenerationOfTraining: 'Automatic generation of training',
+ modifyTrainingByCategory: 'Modify training by category',
+ deleteAutoGeneratedTraining: 'Delete auto-generated training',
+ menu: 'Menu',
+ turnout: 'Turnout',
+ section: 'Section',
+ signaler: 'Signaler',
+ controlMode: 'Control mode',
+ platform: 'Platform',
+ train: 'Train',
+ station: 'Station',
+ trainWindow: 'Train window',
+ editStepInfo: 'Edit step information',
+ trainingRecord: 'Training recording',
+ lesson: 'Lesson',
+ taskManage: 'Task manage',
+ trainingRule: 'Training rule',
+ trainingManage: 'Training manage',
+ newConstruction: 'New',
+ applicationForRelease: 'Application for release',
+ rejectReason: 'Reason for rejection',
+ withdraw: 'Withdraw',
+ notRelease: 'Not release',
+ pendingReview: 'Pending review',
+ published: 'Published',
+ rejected: 'Rejected',
+ review: 'Review',
+ explanation: 'Explanation',
+ courseDetails: 'Course details',
+ courseTree: 'Course tree:',
+ mapName:'Map Name'
diff --git a/src/i18n/langs/zh/lesson.js b/src/i18n/langs/zh/lesson.js
index 72ede12fb..6d5ed7d1f 100644
--- a/src/i18n/langs/zh/lesson.js
+++ b/src/i18n/langs/zh/lesson.js
@@ -1,123 +1,124 @@
export default {
- trainingList: '实训列表',
- filterPlaceholder: '输入关键字进行过滤',
- addTraining: '添加实训',
- editTraining: '修改实训',
- demonstration: '演示',
- hasCalcelDelete: '已取消删除',
- isConfirmDelete: '是否确认删除?',
- trainingName: '实训名称',
- trainingType: '实训类型',
- stationList: '车站列表',
- stepInfo: '步骤信息',
- selectMap: '请选择地图',
- selectTraining: '请选择实训',
- findStationPlaceholder: '输入关键字查询车站',
- stepNo: '步骤序号',
- deviceNumber: '设备编号',
- deviceType: '设备类型',
- operationType: '操作类型',
- returnValue: '返回值',
- tips: '提示语',
- startRecording: '开始录制',
- endRecording: '结束录制',
- nextStep: '下一步',
- selectMode: '模式选择',
- deleteSuccess: '删除成功',
- wellDelTrainingRule: '此操作将删除此实训规则, 是否继续?',
- stepDetail: '步骤明细',
- generation: '自动生成',
- saveAs: '另存为',
- skinTypeFrom: '从',
- skinTypeTo: '到',
- copyLesson: '复制课程定义',
- skinType: '皮肤类型',
- minDuration: '最佳用时',
- maxDuration: '最大用时',
- trainingRemark: '实训说明',
- createOperateRule: '创建操作规则',
- editOperateRule: '编辑操作规则',
- tipNamePlaceholderInfo: '选择占位符 ‘{}’ 不可删除,否则名称显示会有问题!',
- tipExplainPlaceholderInfo: '选择占位符 ‘{}’ 不可删除,否则说明显示会有问题!',
- generationOperation: '自动生成操作',
- wellClearOperate: '此操作将清空改皮肤下所有操作定义, 是否继续?',
- batchCreateSuccess: '批量生成操作定义成功',
- createOperateSuccess: '创建操作定义成功',
- updateOperateSuccess: '更新操作步骤成功',
- wellDelOperate: '此操作将删除此实训步骤, 是否继续?',
- operateCode: '操作码',
- stepReturn: '步骤返回值',
- stepTips: '步骤提示信息',
- createStepInfo: '创建步骤信息',
- editStepInfo: '编辑步骤信息',
- product: '产品',
- remarks: '描述',
- operateSuccess: '操作成功',
- createChapter: '创建章节',
- contentSorting: '内容排序',
- courseList: '课程列表',
- createNewCoursesFromRelease: '从发布课程新建',
- courseName: '课程名称',
- parentChapter: '父级章节:',
- chapterName: '章节名称:',
- chapterInstructions: '章节说明:',
- associatedTraining: '关联实训:',
- updateChapter: '更新章节',
- automaticOrManual: '自动/人工',
- automatic: '自动',
- manual: '人工',
- publishCourseName: '发布课程名称:',
- draftCourseName: '草稿课程名称:',
- associatedSkin: '关联皮肤:',
- associatedProducts: '关联产品:',
- courseDescription: '课程说明',
- editCourse: '编辑课程',
- createCourse: '创建课程',
- courseRelease: '课程发布',
- releaseAssociatedCity: '发布关联城市:',
- releaseAssociatedMap: '发布关联地图:',
- trainingSequence: '实训排序',
- creationTime: '创建时间',
- finishTime: '完成时间',
- createResults: '创建结果',
- start: '开始',
- toPerform: '重新执行',
- productType: '产品类型:',
- minTime: '最小用时:',
- maxTime: '最大用时:',
- trainingDescription: '实训描述:',
- generateTraining: '生成实训',
- updateTraining: '修改实训',
- deleteTraining: '删除实训',
- automaticGenerationOfTraining: '自动生成实训',
- modifyTrainingByCategory: '按类别修改实训',
- deleteAutoGeneratedTraining: '删除自动生成实训',
- menu: '菜单',
- turnout: '道岔',
- section: '区段',
- signaler: '信号机',
- controlMode: '控制模式',
- platform: '站台',
- train: '列车',
- station: '车站',
- trainWindow: '车次窗',
- countSkinCode: '复制皮肤与被复制皮肤类型不能一样',
- trainingRecord: '实训录制',
- lesson: '课程',
- taskManage: '任务管理',
- trainingRule: '操作定义',
- trainingManage: '实训管理',
- newConstruction: '新建',
- applicationForRelease: '申请发布',
- rejectReason: '驳回原因',
- withdraw: '撤销',
- notRelease: '未发布',
- pendingReview: '待审核',
- published: '已发布',
- rejected: '已驳回',
- review: '查看',
- explanation: '驳回说明',
- courseDetails: '课程详情',
- courseTree: '课程树:'
+ trainingList: '实训列表',
+ filterPlaceholder: '输入关键字进行过滤',
+ addTraining: '添加实训',
+ editTraining: '修改实训',
+ demonstration: '演示',
+ hasCalcelDelete: '已取消删除',
+ isConfirmDelete: '是否确认删除?',
+ trainingName: '实训名称',
+ trainingType: '实训类型',
+ stationList: '车站列表',
+ stepInfo: '步骤信息',
+ selectMap: '请选择地图',
+ selectTraining: '请选择实训',
+ findStationPlaceholder: '输入关键字查询车站',
+ stepNo: '步骤序号',
+ deviceNumber: '设备编号',
+ deviceType: '设备类型',
+ operationType: '操作类型',
+ returnValue: '返回值',
+ tips: '提示语',
+ startRecording: '开始录制',
+ endRecording: '结束录制',
+ nextStep: '下一步',
+ selectMode: '模式选择',
+ deleteSuccess: '删除成功',
+ wellDelTrainingRule: '此操作将删除此实训规则, 是否继续?',
+ stepDetail: '步骤明细',
+ generation: '自动生成',
+ saveAs: '另存为',
+ skinTypeFrom: '从',
+ skinTypeTo: '到',
+ copyLesson: '复制课程定义',
+ skinType: '皮肤类型',
+ minDuration: '最佳用时',
+ maxDuration: '最大用时',
+ trainingRemark: '实训说明',
+ createOperateRule: '创建操作规则',
+ editOperateRule: '编辑操作规则',
+ tipNamePlaceholderInfo: '选择占位符 ‘{}’ 不可删除,否则名称显示会有问题!',
+ tipExplainPlaceholderInfo: '选择占位符 ‘{}’ 不可删除,否则说明显示会有问题!',
+ generationOperation: '自动生成操作',
+ wellClearOperate: '此操作将清空改皮肤下所有操作定义, 是否继续?',
+ batchCreateSuccess: '批量生成操作定义成功',
+ createOperateSuccess: '创建操作定义成功',
+ updateOperateSuccess: '更新操作步骤成功',
+ wellDelOperate: '此操作将删除此实训步骤, 是否继续?',
+ operateCode: '操作码',
+ stepReturn: '步骤返回值',
+ stepTips: '步骤提示信息',
+ createStepInfo: '创建步骤信息',
+ editStepInfo: '编辑步骤信息',
+ product: '产品',
+ remarks: '描述',
+ operateSuccess: '操作成功',
+ createChapter: '创建章节',
+ contentSorting: '内容排序',
+ courseList: '课程列表',
+ createNewCoursesFromRelease: '从发布课程新建',
+ courseName: '课程名称',
+ parentChapter: '父级章节:',
+ chapterName: '章节名称:',
+ chapterInstructions: '章节说明:',
+ associatedTraining: '关联实训:',
+ updateChapter: '更新章节',
+ automaticOrManual: '自动/人工',
+ automatic: '自动',
+ manual: '人工',
+ publishCourseName: '发布课程名称:',
+ draftCourseName: '草稿课程名称:',
+ associatedSkin: '关联皮肤:',
+ associatedProducts: '关联产品:',
+ courseDescription: '课程说明',
+ editCourse: '编辑课程',
+ createCourse: '创建课程',
+ courseRelease: '课程发布',
+ releaseAssociatedCity: '发布关联城市:',
+ releaseAssociatedMap: '发布关联地图:',
+ trainingSequence: '实训排序',
+ creationTime: '创建时间',
+ finishTime: '完成时间',
+ createResults: '创建结果',
+ start: '开始',
+ toPerform: '重新执行',
+ productType: '产品类型:',
+ minTime: '最小用时:',
+ maxTime: '最大用时:',
+ trainingDescription: '实训描述:',
+ generateTraining: '生成实训',
+ updateTraining: '修改实训',
+ deleteTraining: '删除实训',
+ automaticGenerationOfTraining: '自动生成实训',
+ modifyTrainingByCategory: '按类别修改实训',
+ deleteAutoGeneratedTraining: '删除自动生成实训',
+ menu: '菜单',
+ turnout: '道岔',
+ section: '区段',
+ signaler: '信号机',
+ controlMode: '控制模式',
+ platform: '站台',
+ train: '列车',
+ station: '车站',
+ trainWindow: '车次窗',
+ countSkinCode: '复制皮肤与被复制皮肤类型不能一样',
+ trainingRecord: '实训录制',
+ lesson: '课程',
+ taskManage: '任务管理',
+ trainingRule: '操作定义',
+ trainingManage: '实训管理',
+ newConstruction: '新建',
+ applicationForRelease: '申请发布',
+ rejectReason: '驳回原因',
+ withdraw: '撤销',
+ notRelease: '未发布',
+ pendingReview: '待审核',
+ published: '已发布',
+ rejected: '已驳回',
+ review: '查看',
+ explanation: '驳回说明',
+ courseDetails: '课程详情',
+ courseTree: '课程树:',
+ mapName:'地图名称'
diff --git a/src/views/approval/runPlan/index.vue b/src/views/approval/runPlan/index.vue
index aa242fe97..08915642d 100644
--- a/src/views/approval/runPlan/index.vue
+++ b/src/views/approval/runPlan/index.vue
@@ -1,181 +1,178 @@
diff --git a/src/views/lesson/trainingRule/list.vue b/src/views/lesson/trainingRule/list.vue
index 579c7c4df..add83ba55 100644
--- a/src/views/lesson/trainingRule/list.vue
+++ b/src/views/lesson/trainingRule/list.vue
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ import {
} from '@/api/management/operation';
-import { getSkinCodeList } from '@/api/management/mapskin';
+import { listPublishMap } from '@/api/jmap/map';
import TrainingEdit from './addEdit';
import AddBatch from './addBatch';
import SaveAs from './saveAs.vue';
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ export default {
placeholderMap: {},
trainingOperateTypeMap: {},
trainingTypeList: [],
- skinCodeList: [],
+ mapIdList: [],
totals: '',
pagerConfig: {
pageSize: 'pageSize',
@@ -77,12 +77,12 @@ export default {
- title: this.$t('lesson.skinType'),
- prop: 'skinCode',
+ title: this.$t('lesson.mapName'),
+ prop: 'mapId',
type: 'tag',
columnValue: row => {
- return this.$convertField(row.skinCode, this.skinCodeList, [
- 'code',
+ return this.$convertField(, this.mapIdList, [
+ 'id',
@@ -210,10 +210,10 @@ export default {
- // 获取皮肤列表
- this.skinCodeList = [];
- getSkinCodeList().then(response => {
- this.skinCodeList =;
+ // 获取地图列表
+ this.mapIdList = [];
+ listPublishMap().then(response => {
+ this.mapIdList =;
// 获取实训类型
diff --git a/src/views/lesson/trainingRule/saveAs.vue b/src/views/lesson/trainingRule/saveAs.vue
index 2b28ea065..bc53f1d4a 100644
--- a/src/views/lesson/trainingRule/saveAs.vue
+++ b/src/views/lesson/trainingRule/saveAs.vue
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@