Merge branch 'master' of
This commit is contained in:
@ -11,6 +11,20 @@ export default {
logicalView: '逻辑视图',
physicalView: '物理视图',
mixedView: '混合视图',
normal: '正常',
save: '保存',
updata: '更新',
updateObj: '修改',
updateObjAxis: '更新坐标',
saveAs: '另存为',
publish: '发布',
deleteObj: '删除',
confirm: '确 定',
cancel: '取 消',
cancelledDelete: '已取消删除',
confirmDeletion: '是否确认删除?',
hint: '提示',
link: 'link',
section: '区段',
@ -42,6 +56,7 @@ export default {
scaling: '缩放比例',
statusSignalName: '状态信号名称:',
stateSignalsPlotCoordinates: '状态信号画图坐标:',
equipmentStation: '所属设备集中站:',
lineCoding: '线条编码:',
lineType: '线条类型:',
@ -49,10 +64,6 @@ export default {
segmentCoordinates: '区段显示坐标:',
publishMapCreation: '从发布地图创建',
confirm: '确 定',
cancel: '取 消',
cancelledDelete: '已取消删除',
pleaseEnterMapName: '请输入地图名称',
pleaseChooseSkinStyle: '请选择皮肤风格',
@ -85,11 +96,6 @@ export default {
publishingAssociatedCity: '发布关联城市:',
publishMapName: '发布地图名称:',
updateObj: '修改',
updateObjAxis: '更新坐标',
saveAs: '另存为',
publish: '发布',
deleteObj: '删除',
editRoute: '编辑进路',
editRouting: '编辑交路',
editAutoRouting: '编辑自动信号',
@ -97,9 +103,6 @@ export default {
pathUnit: '路径单元',
jlmap3d: '三维化编辑',
confirmDeletion: '是否确认删除?',
hint: '提示',
automaticSignalList: '自动信号列表',
automaticSignalCode: '自动信号编码',
signalCodeName: '信号机名称',
@ -109,6 +112,7 @@ export default {
operation: '操作',
compile: '编辑',
delete: '删除',
empty: '清空',
sectionName: '区段名称',
sectionList: '区段列表',
automaticSignal: '自动信号',
@ -116,8 +120,7 @@ export default {
signalID: '信号机ID:',
activate: '激活',
segmentData: '进路自动触发区段数据:',
save: '保存',
updata: '更新',
pleaseSelectSignal: '请选择信号机',
triggerSegmentData: '请选择进路自动触发区段数据',
automaticSignalSuccessful: '创建自动信号成功!',
@ -181,6 +184,123 @@ export default {
linkRightFdCode: '右侧正向Link:',
linkRightSdCode: '右侧侧向Link:',
linkLp: 'Link 起点坐标:',
linkRp: 'Link 终点坐标:'
linkRp: 'Link 终点坐标:',
rulesChange: '规则修改',
sectionNameC: '区段名称:',
splitMerge: '拆分/合并',
linkSet: 'Link集合',
selectLink: '选择Link',
splitOffset: '拆分偏移量:',
split: '拆分',
merge: '合并',
logicBlock: '逻辑区段',
aux: '第',
sectionLine: '段折线',
sectionPolyline: '区段折线',
switchSection: '道岔区段',
trainDirection: '列车所在方向:',
deleteSwitchSection: '一键删除道岔区段',
createSwitchSection: '一键创建道岔区段',
sectionLogicalNumber: '逻辑区段数量',
sectionLsectioncode: '左侧区段名称:',
sectionRsectioncode: '右侧区段名称:',
associatedSection: '关联物理区段:',
blockCoding: '区段编码:',
sectionType: '区段类型:',
sectionNameColon: '区段名称:',
sectionNameOffset: '区段名称偏移量:',
leftKilometerMark: '左侧公里标(米):',
rightKilometerMark: '右侧公里标(米):',
sectionColon: '区间:',
displayExtentName: '是否显示区段名称:',
displayAxleCounter: '是否显示计轴:',
displayLogicalExtents: '是否显示逻辑区段:',
displayLogicalWxtentNames: '是否显示逻辑区段名称:',
isStandTrack: '是否站台轨:',
standTrackName: '站台轨名称:',
standTrackNamePosition: '站台轨名称偏移量:',
relStandCode: '站台编码:',
isReentryTrack: '是否折返轨:',
reentryTrackName: '折返轨名称:',
reentryTrackNamePosition: '折返轨名称偏移量:',
isTransferTrack: '是否转换轨:',
transferTrackName: '转换轨名称:',
transferTrackNamePosition: '转换轨名称偏移量:',
destinationCode: '目的地码:',
destinationCodePoint: '目的地码坐标:',
destinationCodeShow: '是否显示目的地码:',
leftStopPointOffset: '左向停车点偏移量:',
rightStopPointOffset: '右向停车点偏移量:',
isSwitchSection: '是否道岔区段:',
relSwitchCode: '关联道岔Code:',
logicSectionNameSort: '逻辑区段排序:',
fromSmallToLarge: '从小到大',
fromLargeToSmall: '从大到小',
relevanceLinkCode: '关联的Link:',
sepTypeLeft: '左侧分隔符类型:',
sectionOffsetLeft: '左侧Link偏移量:',
sepTypeRight: '右侧分隔符类型:',
sectionOffsetRight: '右侧Link偏移量:',
isSegmentation: '是否分割:',
segmentationPosition: '默认背景:',
isCurve: '是否曲线:',
sectionPoints: '区段显示坐标:',
trainPosType: '列车所在方向:',
physicalSegmentName: '物理区段名称:',
directionType: '形式方向:',
leftOrRight: '左右位置:',
positionType: '上下位置:',
signalFilamentAlarm: '灯丝报警',
signalCodeColon: '信号机编码:',
signalNameColon: '信号机名称:',
signalUniqueName: '信号机唯一名称:',
signalDisplayName: '是否显示信号机名称:',
lampPostType: '灯柱类型:',
lampPositionType: '灯位类型:',
signalUseType: '用途类型:',
potLampType: '点灯类型:',
signalDirectionType: '方向类型:',
signalPositionType: '信号机位置类型:',
signalOffset: '偏移量:',
signalPositionX: '信号机x:',
signalPositionY: '信号机y:',
signalRotate: '旋转角度:',
signalNamePositionX: '信号机名字偏移量 x:',
signalNamePositionY: '信号机名字偏移量 y:',
signalButtonShow: '是否显示按钮:',
signalButtonPositionX: '按钮x:',
signalButtonPositionY: '按钮y:',
signalGuideShow: '是否显示引导信号灯:',
signalGuidePositionX: '引导信号x:',
signalGuidePositionY: '引导信号y:',
concentrateStationCode: '所属联锁站编码:',
stationCode: '车站编码:',
zcCode: '所属zc区域编码:',
centralized: '是否集中站:',
stationNameColon: '车站名称:',
stationRunPlanName: '真实名称:',
stationVisible: '是否显示:',
stationNameFont: '车站字体:',
stationNameFontColor: '车站字体颜色:',
stationKmPostShow: '是否显示公里标名称:',
stationKmRange: '公里标距离:',
stationKmPost: '公里标名称:',
stationKmPostFont: '公里标字体:',
stationKmPostFontColor: '公里标字体颜色:',
stationPositionX: 'x坐标:',
stationPositionY: 'y坐标:',
stationControlCode: '控制模式编码:',
stationControlName: '控制模式名称:',
zokContent: '中控内容:',
zakContent: '站控内容:',
jjzkContent: '紧急站控/总报警内容:',
zzkContent: '站中控内容:',
stationControlPositionX: '坐标 x:',
stationControlPositionY: '坐标 y:',
stationControlZok: '中控'
@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
export default {
pleaseSelect: '请选择',
selectEquipment: '请选择设备',
deviceTypeNotNull: 'Device type code cannot be empty',
operationTypeNotNull: 'Operator code cannot be empty',
tipsNotNull: 'Tips cannot be empty',
deviceTypeNotNull: '设备类型码不能为空',
operationTypeNotNull: '操作码不能为空',
tipsNotNull: '提示信息不能为空',
pleaseSelectEncoding: '请选择唯一编码',
pleaseEnterStatusSignal: '请输入状态信号名称',
pleaseEnterXCoordinate: '请输入x坐标',
@ -31,5 +31,55 @@ export default {
pointX: '坐标 x:',
pointY: '坐标 y:',
direct: '方向:',
basisLink: '基础Link:'
basisLink: '基础Link:',
pleaseSelectSectionName: '请选择区段名称',
pleaseFillOffset: '请填写偏移量',
pleaseFillValue: '请填写数值',
pleaseSelectLeftSectionName: '请选择左侧区段名称',
pleaseSelectRightSectionName: '请选择右侧区段名称',
pleaseEnterYValue: '请输入坐标Y值',
pleaseEnterSectionType: '请输入区段类型',
pleaseEnterSectionName: '请输入区段名称',
pleaseSelectAssociatedPlatform: '请选择关联站台',
pleaseEnterLeftStopPointOffset: '请输入左向停车点偏移量',
rightStopPointOffset: '请输入右向停车点偏移量',
destinationCode: '请输入目的地码',
destinationCodePointX: '请输入目的地码坐标X',
destinationCodePointY: '请输入目的地码坐标Y',
sectionNamePointX: '请输入区段名称坐标X',
sectionNamePointY: '请输入区段名称坐标Y',
logicSectionNameSort: '请选择逻辑区段名称排序',
sectionOffsetLeft: '请输入左侧Link偏移量',
sectionSepTypeLeft: '请选择左侧分隔符',
sectionOffsetRight: '请输入右侧Link偏移量',
sectionSepTypeRight: '请选择右侧分隔符',
selectPhysicalExtentName: '请选择物理区段名称',
pleaseEnterSemaphoreName: '请输入信号灯名称',
pleaseEnterSignalName: '请输入信号机唯一名称',
pleaseEnterSignalOffset: '请输入偏移量',
pleaseEnterSignalStation: '请输入设备集中站',
pleaseEnterSignalPositionX: '请输入信号机x',
pleaseEnterSignalPositionY: '请输入信号机y',
signalButtonPositionX: '请输入按钮x',
signalButtonPositionY: '请输入按钮y',
signalGuidePositionX: '请输入引导信号x',
signalGuidePositionY: '请输入引导信号y',
stationName: '请输入车站名称',
stationKmRange: '请输入公里标距离',
stationKmPost: '请输入公里标名称',
stationPositionX: '请输入x坐标',
stationPositionY: '请输入y坐标',
stationControlStationName: '请选择车站名称',
stationControlStationCode: '请选择所属车站',
stationControlZokContent: '请输入中控内容',
stationControlZakContent: '请输入站控内容',
stationControlJjzkContent: '请输入紧急站控内容',
stationControlZzkContent: '请输入站中控内容',
stationControlPositionX: '请输入坐标x',
stationControlPositionY: '请输入坐标y'
@ -3,8 +3,10 @@ export default {
cancel: '取 消',
creatingSuccessful: '创建成功!',
confirmDeletion: '是否确认删除?',
confirmBatchGeneration: '是否确认批量生成?',
hint: '提示',
cancelledDelete: '已取消删除',
cancelGeneration: '已取消批量生成',
updateSuccessfully: '更新成功',
updateFailed: '更新失败',
@ -12,6 +14,13 @@ export default {
failDelete: '删除失败',
cannotCoincide: '起始坐标和结束坐标不能重合',
cannotMerged: '存在非物理区段,不能合并',
linkCannotMerged: '不在同一Link上的物理区段不能合并',
meter: '米'
selectedSectionEmpty: '选择的区段为空',
stationFont: '车站字体',
kilometerFont: '公里标字体',
meter: '米',
angle: '度'
@ -11,6 +11,20 @@ export default {
logicalView: '逻辑视图',
physicalView: '物理视图',
mixedView: '混合视图',
normal: '正常',
save: '保存',
updata: '更新',
updateObj: '修改',
updateObjAxis: '更新坐标',
saveAs: '另存为',
publish: '发布',
deleteObj: '删除',
confirm: '确 定',
cancel: '取 消',
cancelledDelete: '已取消删除',
confirmDeletion: '是否确认删除?',
hint: '提示',
link: 'link',
section: '区段',
@ -42,6 +56,7 @@ export default {
scaling: '缩放比例',
statusSignalName: '状态信号名称:',
stateSignalsPlotCoordinates: '状态信号画图坐标:',
equipmentStation: '所属设备集中站:',
lineCoding: '线条编码:',
lineType: '线条类型:',
@ -49,10 +64,6 @@ export default {
segmentCoordinates: '区段显示坐标:',
publishMapCreation: '从发布地图创建',
confirm: '确 定',
cancel: '取 消',
cancelledDelete: '已取消删除',
pleaseEnterMapName: '请输入地图名称',
pleaseChooseSkinStyle: '请选择皮肤风格',
@ -85,11 +96,6 @@ export default {
publishingAssociatedCity: '发布关联城市:',
publishMapName: '发布地图名称:',
updateObj: '修改',
updateObjAxis: '更新坐标',
saveAs: '另存为',
publish: '发布',
deleteObj: '删除',
editRoute: '编辑进路',
editRouting: '编辑交路',
editAutoRouting: '编辑自动信号',
@ -97,9 +103,6 @@ export default {
pathUnit: '路径单元',
jlmap3d: '三维化编辑',
confirmDeletion: '是否确认删除?',
hint: '提示',
automaticSignalList: '自动信号列表',
automaticSignalCode: '自动信号编码',
signalCodeName: '信号机名称',
@ -109,6 +112,7 @@ export default {
operation: '操作',
compile: '编辑',
delete: '删除',
empty: '清空',
sectionName: '区段名称',
sectionList: '区段列表',
automaticSignal: '自动信号',
@ -116,8 +120,7 @@ export default {
signalID: '信号机ID:',
activate: '激活',
segmentData: '进路自动触发区段数据:',
save: '保存',
updata: '更新',
pleaseSelectSignal: '请选择信号机',
triggerSegmentData: '请选择进路自动触发区段数据',
automaticSignalSuccessful: '创建自动信号成功!',
@ -181,6 +184,123 @@ export default {
linkRightFdCode: '右侧正向Link:',
linkRightSdCode: '右侧侧向Link:',
linkLp: 'Link 起点坐标:',
linkRp: 'Link 终点坐标:'
linkRp: 'Link 终点坐标:',
rulesChange: '规则修改',
sectionNameC: '区段名称:',
splitMerge: '拆分/合并',
linkSet: 'Link集合',
selectLink: '选择Link',
splitOffset: '拆分偏移量:',
split: '拆分',
merge: '合并',
logicBlock: '逻辑区段',
aux: '第',
sectionLine: '段折线',
sectionPolyline: '区段折线',
switchSection: '道岔区段',
trainDirection: '列车所在方向:',
deleteSwitchSection: '一键删除道岔区段',
createSwitchSection: '一键创建道岔区段',
sectionLogicalNumber: '逻辑区段数量',
sectionLsectioncode: '左侧区段名称:',
sectionRsectioncode: '右侧区段名称:',
associatedSection: '关联物理区段:',
blockCoding: '区段编码:',
sectionType: '区段类型:',
sectionNameColon: '区段名称:',
sectionNameOffset: '区段名称偏移量:',
leftKilometerMark: '左侧公里标(米):',
rightKilometerMark: '右侧公里标(米):',
sectionColon: '区间:',
displayExtentName: '是否显示区段名称:',
displayAxleCounter: '是否显示计轴:',
displayLogicalExtents: '是否显示逻辑区段:',
displayLogicalWxtentNames: '是否显示逻辑区段名称:',
isStandTrack: '是否站台轨:',
standTrackName: '站台轨名称:',
standTrackNamePosition: '站台轨名称偏移量:',
relStandCode: '站台编码:',
isReentryTrack: '是否折返轨:',
reentryTrackName: '折返轨名称:',
reentryTrackNamePosition: '折返轨名称偏移量:',
isTransferTrack: '是否转换轨:',
transferTrackName: '转换轨名称:',
transferTrackNamePosition: '转换轨名称偏移量:',
destinationCode: '目的地码:',
destinationCodePoint: '目的地码坐标:',
destinationCodeShow: '是否显示目的地码:',
leftStopPointOffset: '左向停车点偏移量:',
rightStopPointOffset: '右向停车点偏移量:',
isSwitchSection: '是否道岔区段:',
relSwitchCode: '关联道岔Code:',
logicSectionNameSort: '逻辑区段排序:',
fromSmallToLarge: '从小到大',
fromLargeToSmall: '从大到小',
relevanceLinkCode: '关联的Link:',
sepTypeLeft: '左侧分隔符类型:',
sectionOffsetLeft: '左侧Link偏移量:',
sepTypeRight: '右侧分隔符类型:',
sectionOffsetRight: '右侧Link偏移量:',
isSegmentation: '是否分割:',
segmentationPosition: '默认背景:',
isCurve: '是否曲线:',
sectionPoints: '区段显示坐标:',
trainPosType: '列车所在方向:',
physicalSegmentName: '物理区段名称:',
directionType: '形式方向:',
leftOrRight: '左右位置:',
positionType: '上下位置:',
signalFilamentAlarm: '灯丝报警',
signalCodeColon: '信号机编码:',
signalNameColon: '信号机名称:',
signalUniqueName: '信号机唯一名称:',
signalDisplayName: '是否显示信号机名称:',
lampPostType: '灯柱类型:',
lampPositionType: '灯位类型:',
signalUseType: '用途类型:',
potLampType: '点灯类型:',
signalDirectionType: '方向类型:',
signalPositionType: '信号机位置类型:',
signalOffset: '偏移量:',
signalPositionX: '信号机x:',
signalPositionY: '信号机y:',
signalRotate: '旋转角度:',
signalNamePositionX: '信号机名字偏移量 x:',
signalNamePositionY: '信号机名字偏移量 y:',
signalButtonShow: '是否显示按钮:',
signalButtonPositionX: '按钮x:',
signalButtonPositionY: '按钮y:',
signalGuideShow: '是否显示引导信号灯:',
signalGuidePositionX: '引导信号x:',
signalGuidePositionY: '引导信号y:',
concentrateStationCode: '所属联锁站编码:',
stationCode: '车站编码:',
zcCode: '所属zc区域编码:',
centralized: '是否集中站:',
stationNameColon: '车站名称:',
stationRunPlanName: '真实名称:',
stationVisible: '是否显示:',
stationNameFont: '车站字体:',
stationNameFontColor: '车站字体颜色:',
stationKmPostShow: '是否显示公里标名称:',
stationKmRange: '公里标距离:',
stationKmPost: '公里标名称:',
stationKmPostFont: '公里标字体:',
stationKmPostFontColor: '公里标字体颜色:',
stationPositionX: 'x坐标:',
stationPositionY: 'y坐标:',
stationControlCode: '控制模式编码:',
stationControlName: '控制模式名称:',
zokContent: '中控内容:',
zakContent: '站控内容:',
jjzkContent: '紧急站控/总报警内容:',
zzkContent: '站中控内容:',
stationControlPositionX: '坐标 x:',
stationControlPositionY: '坐标 y:',
stationControlZok: '中控'
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
export default {
pleaseSelect: '请选择',
selectEquipment: '请选择设备',
deviceTypeNotNull: '设备类型码不能为空',
operationTypeNotNull: '操作码不能为空',
@ -30,5 +31,55 @@ export default {
pointX: '坐标 x:',
pointY: '坐标 y:',
direct: '方向:',
basisLink: '基础Link:'
basisLink: '基础Link:',
pleaseSelectSectionName: '请选择区段名称',
pleaseFillOffset: '请填写偏移量',
pleaseFillValue: '请填写数值',
pleaseSelectLeftSectionName: '请选择左侧区段名称',
pleaseSelectRightSectionName: '请选择右侧区段名称',
pleaseEnterYValue: '请输入坐标Y值',
pleaseEnterSectionType: '请输入区段类型',
pleaseEnterSectionName: '请输入区段名称',
pleaseSelectAssociatedPlatform: '请选择关联站台',
pleaseEnterLeftStopPointOffset: '请输入左向停车点偏移量',
rightStopPointOffset: '请输入右向停车点偏移量',
destinationCode: '请输入目的地码',
destinationCodePointX: '请输入目的地码坐标X',
destinationCodePointY: '请输入目的地码坐标Y',
sectionNamePointX: '请输入区段名称坐标X',
sectionNamePointY: '请输入区段名称坐标Y',
logicSectionNameSort: '请选择逻辑区段名称排序',
sectionOffsetLeft: '请输入左侧Link偏移量',
sectionSepTypeLeft: '请选择左侧分隔符',
sectionOffsetRight: '请输入右侧Link偏移量',
sectionSepTypeRight: '请选择右侧分隔符',
selectPhysicalExtentName: '请选择物理区段名称',
pleaseEnterSemaphoreName: '请输入信号灯名称',
pleaseEnterSignalName: '请输入信号机唯一名称',
pleaseEnterSignalOffset: '请输入偏移量',
pleaseEnterSignalStation: '请输入设备集中站',
pleaseEnterSignalPositionX: '请输入信号机x',
pleaseEnterSignalPositionY: '请输入信号机y',
signalButtonPositionX: '请输入按钮x',
signalButtonPositionY: '请输入按钮y',
signalGuidePositionX: '请输入引导信号x',
signalGuidePositionY: '请输入引导信号y',
stationName: '请输入车站名称',
stationKmRange: '请输入公里标距离',
stationKmPost: '请输入公里标名称',
stationPositionX: '请输入x坐标',
stationPositionY: '请输入y坐标',
stationControlStationName: '请选择车站名称',
stationControlStationCode: '请选择所属车站',
stationControlZokContent: '请输入中控内容',
stationControlZakContent: '请输入站控内容',
stationControlJjzkContent: '请输入紧急站控内容',
stationControlZzkContent: '请输入站中控内容',
stationControlPositionX: '请输入坐标x',
stationControlPositionY: '请输入坐标y'
@ -3,8 +3,10 @@ export default {
cancel: '取 消',
creatingSuccessful: '创建成功!',
confirmDeletion: '是否确认删除?',
confirmBatchGeneration: '是否确认批量生成?',
hint: '提示',
cancelledDelete: '已取消删除',
cancelGeneration: '已取消批量生成',
updateSuccessfully: '更新成功',
updateFailed: '更新失败',
@ -12,6 +14,13 @@ export default {
failDelete: '删除失败',
cannotCoincide: '起始坐标和结束坐标不能重合',
cannotMerged: '存在非物理区段,不能合并',
linkCannotMerged: '不在同一Link上的物理区段不能合并',
meter: '米'
selectedSectionEmpty: '选择的区段为空',
stationFont: '车站字体',
kilometerFont: '公里标字体',
meter: '米',
angle: '度'
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
labelWidth: '100px',
items: [
{ prop: 'name', label: '剧本名称', type: 'text', required: true},
{ prop: 'mapId', label: '地图类型', type: 'select', required: true, options: this.mapList,disabled:this.disabled},
{ prop: 'mapId', label: '地图', type: 'select', required: true, options: this.mapList,disabled:this.disabled},
{ prop: 'description', label: '剧本描述', type: 'textarea', required: true},
@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
{ required: true, message: '请输入剧本', trigger: 'blur' },
mapId: [
{ required: true, message: '请选择地图类型', trigger: 'change' },
{ required: true, message: '请选择地图', trigger: 'change' },
{ required: true, message: '请输入剧本描述', trigger: 'blur' },
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
queryObject: {
mapId: {
type: 'select',
label: '地图类型',
label: '地图',
config: {
data: []
@ -56,7 +56,7 @@
prop: 'name'
title: '地图类型',
title: '地图',
prop: 'mapId',
type: 'tag',
columnValue: (row) => {
@ -1,255 +1,264 @@
<div class="card-box" v-loading="loading">
<el-steps class="steps" :active="display">
<el-step :title="title" icon="el-icon-edit-outline"></el-step>
<el-step title="" icon="el-icon-upload"></el-step>
<el-card class="forms">
<el-scrollbar wrapClass="scrollbar-wrapper" :style="{height:height -120 + 'px'}" style="padding-top: 40px">
<el-form ref="form" :model="addModel" label-width="140px">
<el-form-item label="皮肤类型:" prop="mapName">
<el-input v-model="addModel.mapName" :disabled="true"></el-input>
<el-form-item label="产品类型:" prop="prdType">
<el-radio-group v-model="addModel.prdType" :disabled="isUpdate">
<template v-for="item in chooseList">
<el-radio-button :label="item.code" :key="item.code">{{}}</el-radio-button>
<el-form-item label="产品编码:" prop="code"
:rules="node && ==='skin' ? baseRules.code:{}">
<el-input v-model="addModel.code" :disabled="codeDisabled"></el-input>
<el-form-item label="产品名称:" prop="name" :rules="">
<el-input v-model=""></el-input>
<el-form-item label="关联实训类型:" prop="trainTypes" :rules="baseRules.trainTypes"
<el-select v-model="addModel.trainTypes" multiple placeholder="请选择" @change="trainTypesChange">
<el-option v-for="item in trainTypesList" :key="item.code" :label=""
<el-form-item label="产品说明:" prop="remarks" :rules="baseRules.remarks">
<el-input v-model="addModel.remarks" type="textarea" :rows="4"></el-input>
<div class="draft">
<el-button type="primary" v-if="isCreate" @click="create">创建</el-button>
<el-button type="primary" v-if="isUpdate" @click="update">更新</el-button>
<el-button type="danger" v-if="isDelete" @click="deleteObj">删除</el-button>
<div v-loading="loading" class="card-box">
<el-steps class="steps" :active="display">
<el-step :title="title" icon="el-icon-edit-outline" />
<el-step title="" icon="el-icon-upload" />
<el-card class="forms">
<el-scrollbar wrap-class="scrollbar-wrapper" :style="{height:height -120 + 'px'}" style="padding-top: 40px">
<el-form ref="form" :model="addModel" label-width="140px">
<el-form-item label="皮肤类型:" prop="mapName">
<el-input v-model="addModel.mapName" :disabled="true" />
<el-form-item label="产品类型:" prop="prdType">
<el-radio-group v-model="addModel.prdType" :disabled="isUpdate">
<template v-for="item in chooseList">
<el-radio-button :key="item.code" :label="item.code">{{ }}</el-radio-button>
:rules="node && ==='skin' ? baseRules.code:{}"
<el-input v-model="addModel.code" :disabled="codeDisabled" />
<el-form-item label="产品名称:" prop="name" :rules="">
<el-input v-model="" />
<el-select v-model="addModel.trainTypes" multiple placeholder="请选择" @change="trainTypesChange">
v-for="item in trainTypesList"
<el-form-item label="产品说明:" prop="remarks" :rules="baseRules.remarks">
<el-input v-model="addModel.remarks" type="textarea" :rows="4" />
<div class="draft">
<el-button v-if="isCreate" type="primary" @click="create">创建</el-button>
<el-button v-if="isUpdate" type="primary" @click="update">更新</el-button>
<el-button v-if="isDelete" type="danger" @click="deleteObj">删除</el-button>
import { getPublishMapInfo } from '@/api/jmap/map';
import { createTrainingCategory, updateTrainingCategory, getProductDetail, deleteTrainingCategory, checkMapProductCodeExist } from '@/api/management/mapprd'
import localStore from 'storejs';
// import { getPublishMapInfo } from '@/api/jmap/map';
import { createTrainingCategory, updateTrainingCategory, getProductDetail, deleteTrainingCategory, checkMapProductCodeExist } from '@/api/management/mapprd';
// import localStore from 'storejs';
export default {
name: 'ShowDetail',
props: {
height: {
type: Number
data() {
return {
loading: false,
node: null,
display: 1,
codeDisabled: true,
rules: {},
trainTypesList: [],
initTrainTypes: [],
chooseList: [],
addModel: {
id: '',
mapId: '',
mapName: '',
skinStyle: '',
name: '',
remarks: '',
code: '',
prdType: '01',
trainTypes: []
computed: {
title() {
if (this.node && {
if ( === 'skin') {
return '创建产品类目';
} else if ( === 'prd' ||
export default {
name: 'ShowDetail',
props: {
height: {
type: Number
data() {
return {
loading: false,
node: null,
display: 1,
codeDisabled: true,
rules: {},
trainTypesList: [],
initTrainTypes: [],
chooseList: [],
addModel: {
id: '',
mapId: '',
mapName: '',
skinStyle: '',
name: '',
remarks: '',
code: '',
prdType: '01',
trainTypes: []
computed: {
title() {
if (this.node && {
if ( === 'skin') {
return '创建产品类目';
} else if ( === 'prd' ||
|||| === 'prd') {
return '编辑产品类目';
return '请选择操作';
isCreate() {
return this.node && === 'skin';
isUpdate() {
return this.node && === 'prd';
isDelete() {
return this.node && === 'prd';
isShowTrainTypes() {
return this.addModel.prdType != '03' && this.addModel.prdType != '04';
baseRules() {
return {
code: [
{ required: true, message: '请输入产品编码', trigger: 'change' }
name: [
{ required: true, message: '请输入产品名称', trigger: 'change' }
remarks: [
{ required: true, message: '请输入产品说明', trigger: 'change' }
trainTypes: [
{ required: true, message: '请选择关联实训类型', trigger: 'change' }
mounted() {
this.$Dictionary.trainingType().then(list => {
this.trainTypesList = list;
this.$Dictionary.productPostType().then(list => {
this.chooseList = list;
methods: {
loadData(node) {
if (node) {
this.node = node;
this.initTrainTypes = [];
this.loading = true;
if ('skin' === {
this.codeDisabled = false;
this.addModel.mapName =;
this.addModel.skinStyle =;
this.loading = false;
} else if ('prd' === {
this.codeDisabled = true;
getProductDetail( => {
this.addModel.mapName =;
this.addModel.mapId =;
|||| =;
this.addModel.remarks =;
this.addModel.prdType =;
this.addModel.code =;
this.addModel.skinStyle =;
this.addModel.trainTypes = this.initTrainTypes =;
|||| =;
this.loading = false;
}).catch(error => {
this.loading = false;
} else {
this.addModel.prdType = '01';
return '编辑产品类目';
return '请选择操作';
isCreate() {
return this.node && === 'skin';
isUpdate() {
return this.node && === 'prd';
isDelete() {
return this.node && === 'prd';
isShowTrainTypes() {
return this.addModel.prdType != '03' && this.addModel.prdType != '04';
baseRules() {
return {
code: [
{ required: true, message: '请输入产品编码', trigger: 'change' }
name: [
{ required: true, message: '请输入产品名称', trigger: 'change' }
remarks: [
{ required: true, message: '请输入产品说明', trigger: 'change' }
trainTypes: [
{ required: true, message: '请选择关联实训类型', trigger: 'change' }
mounted() {
this.$Dictionary.trainingType().then(list => {
this.trainTypesList = list;
this.$Dictionary.productPostType().then(list => {
this.chooseList = list;
methods: {
loadData(node) {
if (node) {
// 清除数据
this.node = node;
this.initTrainTypes = [];
this.loading = true;
if ( === 'skin') {
this.codeDisabled = false;
this.addModel.mapName =;
this.addModel.skinStyle =;
this.loading = false;
} else if ( === 'prd') {
this.codeDisabled = true;
getProductDetail( => {
this.addModel.mapName =;
this.addModel.mapId =;
|||| =;
this.addModel.remarks =;
this.addModel.prdType =;
this.addModel.code =;
this.addModel.skinStyle =;
this.addModel.trainTypes = this.initTrainTypes =;
|||| =;
this.loading = false;
}).catch(() => {
this.loading = false;
} else {
this.addModel.prdType = '01';
this.$nextTick(function () {
create() {
this.$refs.form.validate((valid) => {
if (valid) {
let data = {
skinStyle: this.addModel.skinStyle,
mapName: this.addModel.mapName,
remarks: this.addModel.remarks,
prdType: this.addModel.prdType,
code: this.addModel.code,
trainTypes: this.isShowTrainTypes ? this.addModel.trainTypes : []
checkMapProductCodeExist({ code: this.addModel.code }).then(response => {
if (! {
createTrainingCategory(data).then(response => {
this.initTrainTypes = this.addModel.trainTypes;
}).catch(error => {
} else {
}).catch(error => {
update() {
this.$refs.form.validate((valid) => {
if (valid) {
this.addModel.trainTypes = this.isShowTrainTypes ? this.addModel.trainTypes : []
updateTrainingCategory(this.addModel).then(response => {
this.initTrainTypes = this.addModel.trainTypes;
}).catch(error => {
trainTypesChange(tag) {
if (this.initTrainTypes && this.initTrainTypes.length > 0) {
this.initTrainTypes.forEach(elem => {
if (this.addModel.trainTypes.indexOf(elem) < 0) {
this.addModel.trainTypes = this.initTrainTypes;
deleteObj() {
this.$refs.form.validate((valid) => {
if (valid) {
deleteTrainingCategory(this.addModel).then(response => {
this.node = null;
}).catch(error => {
if (error.code === 500009) {
} else {
// 清除表单验证提示信息
this.$nextTick(function () {
create() {
this.$refs.form.validate((valid) => {
if (valid) {
const data = {
skinStyle: this.addModel.skinStyle,
mapName: this.addModel.mapName,
remarks: this.addModel.remarks,
prdType: this.addModel.prdType,
code: this.addModel.code,
trainTypes: this.isShowTrainTypes ? this.addModel.trainTypes : []
checkMapProductCodeExist({ code: this.addModel.code }).then(response => {
if (! {
createTrainingCategory(data).then(response => {
this.initTrainTypes = this.addModel.trainTypes;
}).catch(() => {
} else {
}).catch(() => {
update() {
this.$refs.form.validate((valid) => {
if (valid) {
this.addModel.trainTypes = this.isShowTrainTypes ? this.addModel.trainTypes : [];
updateTrainingCategory(this.addModel).then(response => {
this.initTrainTypes = this.addModel.trainTypes;
}).catch(() => {
trainTypesChange(tag) {
if (this.initTrainTypes && this.initTrainTypes.length > 0) {
this.initTrainTypes.forEach(elem => {
if (this.addModel.trainTypes.indexOf(elem) < 0) {
this.addModel.trainTypes = this.initTrainTypes;
deleteObj() {
this.$refs.form.validate((valid) => {
if (valid) {
deleteTrainingCategory(this.addModel).then(response => {
this.node = null;
}).catch(error => {
if (error.code === 500009) {
} else {
<style rel="stylesheet/scss" lang="scss" scoped>
@import "src/styles/mixin.scss";
.card-box {
padding-top: 20px;
@ -1,51 +1,50 @@
<div class="training-tree">
<training-tree-operate ref="trainingTree" :height="height" @loadData="loadData">
<div class="training-draft" :style="{width: width +'px'}">
<edit-detail-operate ref="training" :height="height" @refresh="refresh"> </edit-detail-operate>
<div class="training-tree">
<training-tree-operate ref="trainingTree" :height="height" @loadData="loadData" />
<div class="training-draft" :style="{width: width +'px'}">
<edit-detail-operate ref="training" :height="height" @refresh="refresh" />
import { deleteMap, listMap, newMap, getMapDetail, publishMap, editMap, saveAsMap } from '@/api/jmap/mapdraft'
import WindowResizeHandler from '@/mixin/WindowResizeHandler';
import TrainingTreeOperate from './tree';
import EditDetailOperate from './edit';
// import { deleteMap, listMap, newMap, getMapDetail, publishMap, editMap, saveAsMap } from '@/api/jmap/mapdraft';
import WindowResizeHandler from '@/mixin/WindowResizeHandler';
import TrainingTreeOperate from './tree';
import EditDetailOperate from './edit';
export default {
name: 'TrainingEditOperate',
components: {
mixins: [WindowResizeHandler],
data() {
return {
width: 0,
height: 0
methods: {
resizeHandler() {
this.width = this._clientWidth - 420;
this.height = this._clientHeight - 150;
loadData(node) {
this.$nextTick(() => {
refresh() {
this.$nextTick(() => {
export default {
name: 'TrainingEditOperate',
components: {
mixins: [WindowResizeHandler],
data() {
return {
width: 0,
height: 0
methods: {
resizeHandler() {
this.width = this._clientWidth - 420;
this.height = this._clientHeight - 150;
loadData(node) {
this.$nextTick(() => {
refresh() {
this.$nextTick(() => {
<style rel="stylesheet/scss" lang="scss" scoped>
@import "src/styles/mixin.scss";
@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
<el-tabs v-model="activeName" @tab-click="handleClick">
<el-tab-pane class="view-control" label="属性" name="first">
<el-tab-pane class="view-control" :label="$t('')" name="first">
<el-scrollbar wrap-class="scrollbar-wrapper" :style="{ height: cardHeight +'px' }">
<config-list ref="dataform" :form="form" :form-model="editModel" :rules="rules" />
<el-button-group class="map-draft-group">
<el-button type="primary" @click="edit">修改</el-button>
<el-button type="primary" @click="deleteObj">删除</el-button>
<el-button type="primary" @click="edit">{{ $t('map.updateObj') }}</el-button>
<el-button type="primary" @click="deleteObj">{{ $t('map.deleteObj') }}</el-button>
<el-tab-pane class="view-control" label="创建" name="second">
<el-tab-pane class="view-control" :label="$t('map.create')" name="second">
<el-scrollbar wrap-class="scrollbar-wrapper" :style="{ height: cardHeight +'px' }">
<el-form ref="make" size="mini">
@ -18,21 +18,21 @@
:titles="['Link集合', '选择Link']"
:titles="[$t('map.linkSet'), $t('map.selectLink')]"
<el-button-group class="map-draft-group">
<el-button type="primary" @click="create">创建</el-button>
<el-button type="primary" @click="create">{{ $t('map.create') }}</el-button>
<el-tab-pane class="view-control" label="拆分/合并" name="three">
<el-tab-pane class="view-control" :label="$t('map.splitMerge')" name="three">
<el-scrollbar wrap-class="scrollbar-wrapper" :style="{ height: cardHeight+60+'px' }">
<el-form ref="oprt" :model="addModel" label-width="130px" size="mini" :rules="addRules">
<el-form-item label="区段名称:" prop="code">
<el-form-item :label="$t('map.sectionNameC')" prop="code">
<el-select v-model="addModel.code" filterable>
v-for="item in PhysicalSectionList"
@ -44,20 +44,20 @@
:type="field === 'splitSection' ? 'danger' : 'primary'"
>{{ $t('map.activate') }}</el-button>
<el-form-item label="拆分偏移量:" prop="splitOffset">
<el-form-item :label="$t('map.splitOffset')" prop="splitOffset">
<el-input-number v-model="addModel.splitOffset" :min="20" :max="addModel.splitOffsetMax" />px
<el-button type="primary" size="big" @click="split">拆分</el-button>
<el-button type="primary" size="big" @click="split">{{ $t('map.split') }}</el-button>
<el-form ref="oprt1" :model="mergeModel" label-width="130px" size="mini" :rules="mergeRules">
<el-form-item label="左侧区段名称:" prop="lsectioncode">
<el-select v-model="mergeModel.lsectioncode" filterable placeholder="请选择">
<el-form-item :label="$t('map.sectionLsectioncode')" prop="lsectioncode">
<el-select v-model="mergeModel.lsectioncode" filterable :placeholder="$t('rules.pleaseSelect')">
v-for="item in ReverseSectionList"
@ -68,10 +68,10 @@
:type="field === 'leftSection' ? 'danger' : 'primary'"
>{{ $t('map.activate') }}</el-button>
<el-form-item label="右侧区段名称:" prop="rsectioncode">
<el-select v-model="mergeModel.rsectioncode" filterable placeholder="请选择">
<el-form-item :label="$t('map.sectionRsectioncode')" prop="rsectioncode">
<el-select v-model="mergeModel.rsectioncode" filterable :placeholder="$t('rules.pleaseSelect')">
v-for="item in ReverseSectionList"
@ -82,59 +82,59 @@
:type="field === 'rightSection' ? 'danger' : 'primary'"
>{{ $t('map.activate') }}</el-button>
<el-button type="primary" size="big" @click="merge">合并</el-button>
<el-button type="primary" size="big" @click="merge">{{ $t('map.merge') }}</el-button>
<el-tab-pane class="view-control" label="逻辑区段" name="four">
<el-tab-pane class="view-control" :label="$t('map.logicBlock')" name="four">
<el-scrollbar wrap-class="scrollbar-wrapper" :style="{ height: cardHeight +'px' }">
<el-table :data="tableData" style="width: 80%; margin: 0 auto;">
<el-table-column label="区段折线" width="150">
<el-table-column :label="$t('map.sectionPolyline')" width="150">
<template slot-scope="scope">
<span style="margin-left: 10px">第{{ scope.row.index }}段折线</span>
<span style="margin-left: 10px">{{ $t('map.aux') }}{{ scope.row.index }}{{ $t('map.sectionLine') }}</span>
<el-table-column label="逻辑区段数量" width="130">
<el-table-column :label="$t('map.sectionLogicalNumber')" width="130">
<template slot-scope="scope">
<el-input v-model="scope.row.num" size="mini" />
<el-table-column label="操作">
<el-table-column :label="$t('map.operation')">
<template slot-scope="scope">
<el-button size="mini" type="danger" @click="handleDelete(scope.$index, scope.row)">清空
<el-button size="mini" type="danger" @click="handleDelete(scope.$index, scope.row)">{{ $t('map.empty') }}
<el-button-group class="map-draft-group">
<el-button type="primary" @click="editSectionNum">修改</el-button>
<el-button type="primary" @click="editSectionNum">{{ $t('map.updateObj') }}</el-button>
<el-tab-pane class="view-control" label="道岔区段" name="five">
<el-tab-pane class="view-control" :label="$t('map.switchSection')" name="five">
<el-scrollbar wrap-class="scrollbar-wrapper" :style="{ height: cardHeight+60+'px' }">
<el-form ref="switchSectionCreate" label-width="110px">
<el-button type="danger" @click="removeSwitchSection">一键删除道岔区段</el-button>
<el-button type="primary" @click="createSwitchSection">一键创建道岔区段</el-button>
<el-button type="danger" @click="removeSwitchSection">{{ $t('map.deleteSwitchSection') }}</el-button>
<el-button type="primary" @click="createSwitchSection">{{ $t('map.createSwitchSection') }}</el-button>
<el-tab-pane class="view-control" label="规则修改" name="six">
<el-tab-pane class="view-control" :label="$t('map.rulesChange')" name="six">
<el-scrollbar wrap-class="scrollbar-wrapper" :style="{ height: cardHeight +'px' }">
<el-form ref="fiveRule" :model="editRuleModel" label-width="120px" size="mini" :rules="editRule">
<el-form-item label="坐标 y:" prop="pointY">
<el-form-item :label="$t('map.pointY')" prop="pointY">
<el-input-number v-model="editRuleModel.pointY" />
<el-form-item label="列车所在方向:" prop="trainType">
<el-select v-model="editRuleModel.trainType" filterable placeholder="请选择">
<el-form-item :label="$t('map.trainDirection')" prop="trainType">
<el-select v-model="editRuleModel.trainType" filterable :placeholder="$t('map.pleaseSelect')">
v-for="option in TrainPositionTypeList"
@ -146,7 +146,7 @@
<el-button-group class="map-draft-group">
<el-button type="primary" @click="editSectionTrain">修改</el-button>
<el-button type="primary" @click="editSectionTrain">{{ $t('map.updateObj') }}</el-button>
@ -247,24 +247,24 @@ export default {
field: '',
addRules: {
code: [
{ required: true, message: '请选择区段名称', trigger: 'change' }
{ required: true, message: this.$t('rules.pleaseSelectSectionName'), trigger: 'change' }
splitOffset: [
{ required: true, message: '请填写偏移量', trigger: 'blur' },
{ type: 'number', message: '请填写数值', min: '20' }
{ required: true, message: this.$t('rules.pleaseFillOffset'), trigger: 'blur' },
{ type: 'number', message: this.$t('rules.pleaseFillValue'), min: '20' }
mergeRules: {
lsectioncode: [
{ required: true, message: '请选择左侧区段名称', trigger: 'change' }
{ required: true, message: this.$t('rules.pleaseSelectLeftSectionName'), trigger: 'change' }
rsectioncode: [
{ required: true, message: '请选择右侧区段名称', trigger: 'change' }
{ required: true, message: this.$t('rules.pleaseSelectRightSectionName'), trigger: 'change' }
editRule: {
pointY: [
{ required: true, message: '请输入坐标Y值', trigger: 'blur' }
{ required: true, message: this.$t('rules.pleaseEnterYValue'), trigger: 'blur' }
@ -283,68 +283,68 @@ export default {
const form = {
labelWidth: '160px',
items: [
{ prop: 'stationCode', label: '所属设备集中站:', type: 'select', optionLabel: 'name&&code', optionValue: 'code', disabled: this.isStationCodeDisabled, options: this.stationList },
{ prop: 'parentCode', label: '关联物理区段:', type: 'select', optionLabel: 'code&&name', optionValue: 'code', disabled: true, options: this.sectionList, isHidden: !this.isParentCode },
{ prop: 'code', label: '区段编码:', type: 'select', optionLabel: 'code&&name', optionValue: 'code', options: this.sectionList, change: true, deviceChange: this.deviceChange },
{ prop: 'type', label: '区段类型:', type: 'select', optionLabel: 'name', optionValue: 'code', options: this.SectionTypeList },
{ prop: 'name', label: '区段名称:', type: 'input' },
{ prop: 'namePoint', label: '区段名称偏移量:', type: 'coordinate', width: '150px', children: [
{ prop: 'stationCode', label: this.$t('map.equipmentStation'), type: 'select', optionLabel: 'name&&code', optionValue: 'code', disabled: this.isStationCodeDisabled, options: this.stationList },
{ prop: 'parentCode', label: this.$t('map.associatedSection'), type: 'select', optionLabel: 'code&&name', optionValue: 'code', disabled: true, options: this.sectionList, isHidden: !this.isParentCode },
{ prop: 'code', label: this.$t('map.blockCoding'), type: 'select', optionLabel: 'code&&name', optionValue: 'code', options: this.sectionList, change: true, deviceChange: this.deviceChange },
{ prop: 'type', label: this.$t('map.sectionType'), type: 'select', optionLabel: 'name', optionValue: 'code', options: this.SectionTypeList },
{ prop: 'name', label: this.$t('map.sectionNameColon'), type: 'input' },
{ prop: 'namePoint', label: this.$t('map.sectionNameOffset'), type: 'coordinate', width: '150px', children: [
{ prop: 'namePoint.x', firstLevel: 'namePoint', secondLevel: 'x', label: 'x:', type: 'number', labelWidth: '20px' },
{ prop: 'namePoint.y', firstLevel: 'namePoint', secondLevel: 'y', label: 'y:', type: 'number', labelWidth: '20px' }
] },
{ prop: 'kmRangeLeft', label: '左侧公里标(米):', type: 'number', min: 0 },
{ prop: 'kmRangeRight', label: '右侧公里标(米):', type: 'number', min: 0 },
{ prop: 'region', label: '区间:', type: 'select', optionLabel: 'label', optionValue: 'value', options: this.regionList },
{ prop: 'nameShow', label: '是否显示区段名称:', type: 'checkbox', isHidden: !this.isSectionType },
{ prop: 'axleShow', label: '是否显示计轴:', type: 'checkbox', disabled: this.isStationAxleShow, isHidden: !this.isSectionType},
{ prop: 'logicSectionShow', label: '是否显示逻辑区段:', type: 'checkbox', isHidden: !this.isSectionType },
{ prop: 'logicSectionNameShow', label: '是否显示逻辑区段名称:', type: 'checkbox', disabled: this.islogicSectionNameShow, isHidden: !this.isSectionType },
{ prop: 'isStandTrack', label: '是否站台轨:', type: 'checkbox', isHidden: !this.isSectionType },
{ prop: 'standTrackName', label: '站台轨名称:', type: 'input', isHidden: !this.isstandTrackNameShow },
{ prop: 'standTrackNamePosition', label: '站台轨名称偏移量:', type: 'coordinate', width: '150px', isHidden: !this.isstandTrackNameShow, children: [
{ prop: 'kmRangeLeft', label: this.$t('map.leftKilometerMark'), type: 'number', min: 0 },
{ prop: 'kmRangeRight', label: this.$t('map.rightKilometerMark'), type: 'number', min: 0 },
{ prop: 'region', label: this.$t('map.sectionColon'), type: 'select', optionLabel: 'label', optionValue: 'value', options: this.regionList },
{ prop: 'nameShow', label: this.$t('map.displayExtentName'), type: 'checkbox', isHidden: !this.isSectionType },
{ prop: 'axleShow', label: this.$t('map.displayAxleCounter'), type: 'checkbox', disabled: this.isStationAxleShow, isHidden: !this.isSectionType},
{ prop: 'logicSectionShow', label: this.$t('map.displayLogicalExtents'), type: 'checkbox', isHidden: !this.isSectionType },
{ prop: 'logicSectionNameShow', label: this.$t('map.displayLogicalWxtentNames'), type: 'checkbox', disabled: this.islogicSectionNameShow, isHidden: !this.isSectionType },
{ prop: 'isStandTrack', label: this.$t('map.isStandTrack'), type: 'checkbox', isHidden: !this.isSectionType },
{ prop: 'standTrackName', label: this.$t('map.standTrackName'), type: 'input', isHidden: !this.isstandTrackNameShow },
{ prop: 'standTrackNamePosition', label: this.$t('map.standTrackNamePosition'), type: 'coordinate', width: '150px', isHidden: !this.isstandTrackNameShow, children: [
{ prop: 'standTrackNamePosition.x', firstLevel: 'standTrackNamePosition', secondLevel: 'x', label: 'x:', type: 'number', labelWidth: '20px'},
{ prop: 'standTrackNamePosition.y', firstLevel: 'standTrackNamePosition', secondLevel: 'y', label: 'y:', type: 'number', labelWidth: '20px'}
] },
{ prop: 'relStandCode', label: '站台编码:', type: 'selectHover', optionLabel: 'code&&name', optionValue: 'code', options: this.stationStandList, hover: this.hover, buttonType: 'relStandCode', buttonShowType: this.isButtonType, isHidden: !this.isrelStandCode },
{ prop: 'isReentryTrack', label: '是否折返轨:', type: 'checkbox', isHidden: !this.isSectionType },
{ prop: 'reentryTrackName', label: '折返轨名称:', type: 'input', isHidden: !this.isreentryTrackName },
{ prop: 'reentryTrackNamePosition', label: '折返轨名称偏移量:', type: 'coordinate', width: '150px', isHidden: !this.isreentryTrackName, children: [
{ prop: 'relStandCode', label: this.$t('map.relStandCode'), type: 'selectHover', optionLabel: 'code&&name', optionValue: 'code', options: this.stationStandList, hover: this.hover, buttonType: 'relStandCode', buttonShowType: this.isButtonType, isHidden: !this.isrelStandCode },
{ prop: 'isReentryTrack', label: this.$t('map.isReentryTrack'), type: 'checkbox', isHidden: !this.isSectionType },
{ prop: 'reentryTrackName', label: this.$t('map.reentryTrackName'), type: 'input', isHidden: !this.isreentryTrackName },
{ prop: 'reentryTrackNamePosition', label: this.$t('map.reentryTrackNamePosition'), type: 'coordinate', width: '150px', isHidden: !this.isreentryTrackName, children: [
{ prop: 'reentryTrackNamePosition.x', firstLevel: 'reentryTrackNamePosition', secondLevel: 'x', label: 'x:', type: 'number', labelWidth: '20px'},
{ prop: 'reentryTrackNamePosition.y', firstLevel: 'reentryTrackNamePosition', secondLevel: 'y', label: 'y:', type: 'number', labelWidth: '20px'}
] },
{ prop: 'isTransferTrack', label: '是否转换轨:', type: 'checkbox', isHidden: !this.isSectionType },
{ prop: 'transferTrackName', label: '转换轨名称:', type: 'input', isHidden: !this.istransferTrackName },
{ prop: 'transferTrackNamePosition', label: '转换轨名称偏移量:', type: 'coordinate', width: '150px', isHidden: !this.istransferTrackName, children: [
{ prop: 'isTransferTrack', label: this.$t('map.isTransferTrack'), type: 'checkbox', isHidden: !this.isSectionType },
{ prop: 'transferTrackName', label: this.$t('map.transferTrackName'), type: 'input', isHidden: !this.istransferTrackName },
{ prop: 'transferTrackNamePosition', label: this.$t('map.transferTrackNamePosition'), type: 'coordinate', width: '150px', isHidden: !this.istransferTrackName, children: [
{ prop: 'transferTrackNamePosition.x', firstLevel: 'transferTrackNamePosition', secondLevel: 'x', label: 'x:', type: 'number', labelWidth: '20px'},
{ prop: 'transferTrackNamePosition.y', firstLevel: 'transferTrackNamePosition', secondLevel: 'y', label: 'y:', type: 'number', labelWidth: '20px'}
] },
{ prop: 'destinationCode', label: '目的地码:', type: 'input', isHidden: !this.isdestinationCode },
{ prop: 'destinationCodePoint', label: '目的地码坐标:', type: 'coordinate', width: '150px', isHidden: !this.isdestinationCode, children: [
{ prop: 'destinationCode', label: this.$t('map.destinationCode'), type: 'input', isHidden: !this.isdestinationCode },
{ prop: 'destinationCodePoint', label: this.$t('map.destinationCodePoint'), type: 'coordinate', width: '150px', isHidden: !this.isdestinationCode, children: [
{ prop: 'destinationCodePoint.x', firstLevel: 'destinationCodePoint', secondLevel: 'x', label: 'x:', type: 'number', labelWidth: '20px'},
{ prop: 'destinationCodePoint.y', firstLevel: 'destinationCodePoint', secondLevel: 'y', label: 'y:', type: 'number', labelWidth: '20px'}
] },
{ prop: 'destinationCodeShow', label: '是否显示目的地码:', type: 'checkbox', isHidden: !this.isdestinationCode },
{ prop: 'leftStopPointOffset', label: '左向停车点偏移量:', type: 'number', min: 0, isHidden: !this.isStopPointOffset },
{ prop: 'rightStopPointOffset', label: '右向停车点偏移量:', type: 'number', min: 0, isHidden: !this.isStopPointOffset },
{ prop: 'isSwitchSection', label: '是否道岔区段:', type: 'checkbox', isHidden: !this.isSectionType },
{ prop: 'relSwitchCode', label: '关联道岔Code:', type: 'select', optionLabel: 'code&&name', optionValue: 'code', options: this.switchList, change: true, deviceChange: this.deviceChange, isHidden: !this.isRelSwitchCode },
{ prop: 'logicSectionNameSort', label: '逻辑区段排序:', type: 'radio', isHidden: !this.isLogicSectionNameSort, radioList: [
{value: true, label: '从小到大'},
{value: false, label: '从大到小'}
{ prop: 'destinationCodeShow', label: this.$t('map.destinationCodeShow'), type: 'checkbox', isHidden: !this.isdestinationCode },
{ prop: 'leftStopPointOffset', label: this.$t('map.leftStopPointOffset'), type: 'number', min: 0, isHidden: !this.isStopPointOffset },
{ prop: 'rightStopPointOffset', label: this.$t('map.rightStopPointOffset'), type: 'number', min: 0, isHidden: !this.isStopPointOffset },
{ prop: 'isSwitchSection', label: this.$t('map.isSwitchSection'), type: 'checkbox', isHidden: !this.isSectionType },
{ prop: 'relSwitchCode', label: this.$t('map.relSwitchCode'), type: 'select', optionLabel: 'code&&name', optionValue: 'code', options: this.switchList, change: true, deviceChange: this.deviceChange, isHidden: !this.isRelSwitchCode },
{ prop: 'logicSectionNameSort', label: this.$t('map.logicSectionNameSort'), type: 'radio', isHidden: !this.isLogicSectionNameSort, radioList: [
{value: true, label: this.$t('map.fromSmallToLarge')},
{value: false, label: this.$t('map.fromLargeToSmall')}
] },
{ prop: 'linkCode', label: '关联的Link:', type: 'select', optionLabel: 'name&&code', optionValue: 'code', options: this.linkList, disabled: true, isHidden: !this.isSectionType },
{ prop: 'sepTypeLeft', label: '左侧分隔符类型:', type: 'select', optionLabel: 'name', optionValue: 'code', options: this.SectionSepTypeList, isHidden: !this.isSectionType },
{ prop: 'offsetLeft', label: '左侧Link偏移量:', type: 'number', min: 0, placeholder: '米', isHidden: !this.isSectionType },
{ prop: 'sepTypeRight', label: '右侧分隔符类型:', type: 'select', optionLabel: 'name', optionValue: 'code', options: this.SectionSepTypeList, isHidden: !this.isSectionType },
{ prop: 'offsetRight', label: '右侧Link偏移量:', type: 'number', min: 0, placeholder: '米', isHidden: !this.isSectionType },
{ prop: 'isSegmentation', label: '是否分割:', type: 'checkbox', isHidden: !this.isSectionType },
{ prop: 'segmentationPosition', label: '默认背景:', type: 'coordinate', width: '150px', isHidden: !this.issegmentationPosition, children: [
{ prop: 'linkCode', label: this.$t('map.relevanceLinkCode'), type: 'select', optionLabel: 'name&&code', optionValue: 'code', options: this.linkList, disabled: true, isHidden: !this.isSectionType },
{ prop: 'sepTypeLeft', label: this.$t('map.sepTypeLeft'), type: 'select', optionLabel: 'name', optionValue: 'code', options: this.SectionSepTypeList, isHidden: !this.isSectionType },
{ prop: 'offsetLeft', label: this.$t('map.sectionOffsetLeft'), type: 'number', min: 0, placeholder: '米', isHidden: !this.isSectionType },
{ prop: 'sepTypeRight', label: this.$t('map.sepTypeRight'), type: 'select', optionLabel: 'name', optionValue: 'code', options: this.SectionSepTypeList, isHidden: !this.isSectionType },
{ prop: 'offsetRight', label: this.$t('map.sectionOffsetRight'), type: 'number', min: 0, placeholder: '米', isHidden: !this.isSectionType },
{ prop: 'isSegmentation', label: this.$t('map.isSegmentation'), type: 'checkbox', isHidden: !this.isSectionType },
{ prop: 'segmentationPosition', label: this.$t('map.segmentationPosition'), type: 'coordinate', width: '150px', isHidden: !this.issegmentationPosition, children: [
{ prop: 'segmentationPosition.x', firstLevel: 'segmentationPosition', secondLevel: 'x', label: 'x:', type: 'number', labelWidth: '20px', disabled: true },
{ prop: 'segmentationPosition.y', firstLevel: 'segmentationPosition', secondLevel: 'y', label: 'y:', type: 'number', labelWidth: '20px', disabled: true }
] },
{ prop: 'isCurve', label: '是否曲线:', type: 'checkbox', isHidden: !this.isSectionType },
{ prop: 'points', label: '区段显示坐标:', type: 'points', width: '160px', isHidden: !this.isPointsShow, pointDisabled: this.pointDisabledName, addPoint: this.addPoint, delPoint: this.delPoint },
{ prop: 'trainPosType', label: '列车所在方向:', type: 'select', optionLabel: 'name', optionValue: 'code', options: this.TrainPositionTypeList, isHidden: !this.isSectionType }
{ prop: 'isCurve', label: this.$t('map.isCurve'), type: 'checkbox', isHidden: !this.isSectionType },
{ prop: 'points', label: this.$t('map.sectionPoints'), type: 'points', width: '160px', isHidden: !this.isPointsShow, pointDisabled: this.pointDisabledName, addPoint: this.addPoint, delPoint: this.delPoint },
{ prop: 'trainPosType', label: this.$t('map.trainPosType'), type: 'select', optionLabel: 'name', optionValue: 'code', options: this.TrainPositionTypeList, isHidden: !this.isSectionType }
return form;
@ -352,52 +352,52 @@ export default {
rules() {
const rules = {
code: [
{ required: true, message: '请选择设备', trigger: 'change' }
{ required: true, message: this.$t('rules.selectEquipment'), trigger: 'change' }
name: [
{ required: true, message: '请输入区段名称', trigger: 'blur' }
{ required: true, message: this.$t('rules.pleaseEnterSectionName'), trigger: 'blur' }
type: [
{ required: true, message: '请输入区段类型', trigger: 'blur' }
{ required: true, message: this.$t('rules.pleaseEnterSectionType'), trigger: 'blur' }
relStandCode: [
{ required: true, message: '请选择关联站台', trigger: 'change' }
{ required: true, message: this.$t('rules.pleaseSelectAssociatedPlatform'), trigger: 'change' }
leftStopPointOffset: [
{ required: true, message: '请输入左向停车点偏移量', trigger: 'blur' }
{ required: true, message: this.$t('rules.pleaseEnterLeftStopPointOffset'), trigger: 'blur' }
rightStopPointOffset: [
{ required: true, message: '请输入右向停车点偏移量', trigger: 'blur' }
{ required: true, message: this.$t('rules.rightStopPointOffset'), trigger: 'blur' }
destinationCode: [
{ required: true, message: '请输入目的地码', trigger: 'blur' }
{ required: true, message: this.$t('rules.destinationCode'), trigger: 'blur' }
'destinationCodePoint.x': [
{ required: true, message: '请输入目的地码坐标X', trigger: 'blur' }
{ required: true, message: this.$t('rules.destinationCodePointX'), trigger: 'blur' }
'destinationCodePoint.y': [
{ required: true, message: '请输入目的地码坐标Y', trigger: 'blur' }
{ required: true, message: this.$t('rules.destinationCodePointY'), trigger: 'blur' }
'namePoint.x': [
{ required: true, message: '请输入区段名称坐标X', trigger: 'blur' }
{ required: true, message: this.$t('rules.sectionNamePointX'), trigger: 'blur' }
'namePoint.y': [
{ required: true, message: '请输入区段名称坐标Y', trigger: 'blur' }
{ required: true, message: this.$t('rules.sectionNamePointY'), trigger: 'blur' }
logicSectionNameSort: [
{ required: true, message: '请选择逻辑区段名称排序', trigger: 'change' }
{ required: true, message: this.$t('rules.logicSectionNameSort'), trigger: 'change' }
offsetLeft: [
{ required: true, message: '请输入左侧Link偏移量', trigger: 'blur' }
{ required: true, message: this.$t('rules.sectionOffsetLeft'), trigger: 'blur' }
sepTypeLeft: [
{ required: true, message: '请选择左侧分隔符', trigger: 'change' }
{ required: true, message: this.$t('rules.sectionSepTypeLeft'), trigger: 'change' }
offsetRight: [
{ required: true, message: '请输入右侧Link偏移量', trigger: 'blur' }
{ required: true, message: this.$t('rules.sectionOffsetRight'), trigger: 'blur' }
sepTypeRight: [
{ required: true, message: '请选择右侧分隔符', trigger: 'change' }
{ required: true, message: this.$t('rules.sectionSepTypeRight'), trigger: 'change' }
// 清空表单验证提示信息
@ -857,9 +857,9 @@ export default {
const _that = this;
this.$confirm('是否确认批量生成?', '提示', {
confirmButtonText: '确定',
cancelButtonText: '取消',
this.$confirm(this.$t('tip.confirmBatchGeneration'), this.$t('tip.hint'), {
confirmButtonText: this.$t('tip.confirm'),
cancelButtonText: this.$t('tip.cancel'),
type: 'warning'
}).then(() => {
_that.$emit('delMapModel', remove);
@ -867,7 +867,7 @@ export default {
}).catch(() => {
type: 'info',
message: '已取消批量生成'
message: this.$t('tip.cancelGeneration')
@ -973,15 +973,15 @@ export default {
const selected = this.$store.getters['map/getDeviceByCode'](this.editModel.code);
if (selected && selected._type.toUpperCase() === 'Section'.toUpperCase()) {
const _that = this;
this.$confirm('是否确认删除?', '提示', {
confirmButtonText: '确定',
cancelButtonText: '取消',
this.$confirm(this.$t('tip.confirmDeletion'), this.$t('tip.hint'), {
confirmButtonText: this.$t('tip.confirm'),
cancelButtonText: this.$t('tip.cancel'),
type: 'warning'
}).then(() => {
_that.$emit('delMapModel', selected);
}).catch(() => {
@ -1117,13 +1117,13 @@ export default {
if (!rsection || !lsection) {
if (rsection && lsection) {
if (lsection.linkCode !== rsection.linkCode) {
const uid = getUID('Section');
@ -1,19 +1,18 @@
<el-tabs v-model="activeName">
<el-tab-pane class="view-control" label="属性" name="first">
<el-tab-pane class="view-control" :label="$t('')" name="first">
<el-scrollbar wrap-class="scrollbar-wrapper" :style="{ height: cardHeight +'px' }">
<config-list ref="dataform" :form="form" :form-model="editModel" :rules="rules" />
<el-button-group class="map-draft-group">
<el-button type="primary" @click="edit">修改</el-button>
<el-button type="primary" @click="deleteObj">删除</el-button>
<el-button type="primary" @click="edit">{{ $t('map.updateObj') }}</el-button>
<el-button type="primary" @click="deleteObj">{{ $t('map.deleteObj') }}</el-button>
<el-tab-pane class="view-control" label="操作" name="second">
<el-tab-pane class="view-control" :label="$t('map.operation')" name="second">
<el-scrollbar wrap-class="scrollbar-wrapper" :style="{ height: cardHeight +'px' }">
<el-form ref="make" label-width="130px" :model="addModel" size="mini" :rules="mergeRules">
<el-form-item label="物理区段名称:" prop="sectionCode">
<el-form-item :label="$t('map.physicalSegmentName')" prop="sectionCode">
<el-select v-model="addModel.sectionCode" filterable>
v-for="item in PhysicalSectionList"
@ -23,7 +22,7 @@
<el-form-item label="形式方向:" prop="directionType">
<el-form-item :label="$t('map.directionType')" prop="directionType">
<el-select v-model="addModel.directionType" filterable>
v-for="item in SignalDirectionTypeList"
@ -33,7 +32,7 @@
<el-form-item label="左右位置:" prop="leftOrRight">
<el-form-item :label="$t('map.leftOrRight')" prop="leftOrRight">
<el-select v-model="addModel.leftOrRight" filterable>
v-for="item in SignalLeftOrRightList"
@ -43,7 +42,7 @@
<el-form-item label="上下位置:" prop="positionType">
<el-form-item :label="$t('map.positionType')" prop="positionType">
<el-select v-model="addModel.positionType" filterable>
v-for="item in SignalPositionTypeList"
@ -56,7 +55,7 @@
<el-button-group class="map-draft-group">
<el-button type="primary" @click="create">创建</el-button>
<el-button type="primary" @click="create">{{ $t('map.create') }}</el-button>
@ -129,8 +128,8 @@ export default {
{ code: '08', name: '复位信号机' }
failTypes: [
{ code: '00', name: '正常' },
{ code: '01', name: '灯丝报警' }
{ code: '00', name: this.$t('map.normal') },
{ code: '01', name: this.$t('map.signalFilamentAlarm') }
editModel: {
code: '',
@ -174,7 +173,7 @@ export default {
mergeRules: {
sectionCode: [
{ required: true, message: '请选择物理区段名称', trigger: 'change' }
{ required: true, message: this.$t('rules.selectPhysicalExtentName'), trigger: 'change' }
@ -198,30 +197,30 @@ export default {
const form = {
labelWidth: '150px',
items: [
{ prop: 'stationCode', label: '所属设备集中站:', type: 'select', optionLabel: 'name&&code', optionValue: 'code', options: this.stationList },
{ prop: 'code', label: '信号机编码:', type: 'select', optionLabel: 'code&&name', optionValue: 'code', options: this.signalList, change: true, deviceChange: this.deviceChange },
{ prop: 'name', label: '信号机名称:', type: 'input' },
{ prop: 'uniqueName', label: '信号机唯一名称:', type: 'input' },
{ prop: 'nameShow', label: '是否显示信号机名称:', type: 'checkbox' },
{ prop: 'lampPostType', label: '灯柱类型:', type: 'select', optionLabel: 'name', optionValue: 'code', options: this.SignalLampPostTypeList },
{ prop: 'lampPositionType', label: '灯位类型:', type: 'select', optionLabel: 'name', optionValue: 'code', options: this.SignalLampPositionTypeList },
{ prop: 'useType', label: '用途类型:', type: 'select', optionLabel: 'name', optionValue: 'code', options: this.SignalUseTypeList },
{ prop: 'potLampType', label: '点灯类型:', type: 'select', optionLabel: 'name', optionValue: 'code', options: this.SignalPotLampTypeList },
{ prop: 'directionType', label: '方向类型:', type: 'select', optionLabel: 'name', optionValue: 'code', options: this.SignalDirectionTypeList },
{ prop: 'positionType', label: '信号机位置类型:', type: 'select', optionLabel: 'name', optionValue: 'code', options: this.SignalPositionTypeList },
{ prop: 'stationCode', label: this.$t('map.equipmentStation'), type: 'select', optionLabel: 'name&&code', optionValue: 'code', options: this.stationList },
{ prop: 'code', label: this.$t('map.signalCodeColon'), type: 'select', optionLabel: 'code&&name', optionValue: 'code', options: this.signalList, change: true, deviceChange: this.deviceChange },
{ prop: 'name', label: this.$t('map.signalNameColon'), type: 'input' },
{ prop: 'uniqueName', label: this.$t('map.signalUniqueName'), type: 'input' },
{ prop: 'nameShow', label: this.$t('map.signalDisplayName'), type: 'checkbox' },
{ prop: 'lampPostType', label: this.$t('map.lampPostType'), type: 'select', optionLabel: 'name', optionValue: 'code', options: this.SignalLampPostTypeList },
{ prop: 'lampPositionType', label: this.$t('map.lampPositionType'), type: 'select', optionLabel: 'name', optionValue: 'code', options: this.SignalLampPositionTypeList },
{ prop: 'useType', label: this.$t('map.signalUseType'), type: 'select', optionLabel: 'name', optionValue: 'code', options: this.SignalUseTypeList },
{ prop: 'potLampType', label: this.$t('map.potLampType'), type: 'select', optionLabel: 'name', optionValue: 'code', options: this.SignalPotLampTypeList },
{ prop: 'directionType', label: this.$t('map.signalDirectionType'), type: 'select', optionLabel: 'name', optionValue: 'code', options: this.SignalDirectionTypeList },
{ prop: 'positionType', label: this.$t('map.signalPositionType'), type: 'select', optionLabel: 'name', optionValue: 'code', options: this.SignalPositionTypeList },
{ prop: 'linkCode', label: 'LinkCode:', type: 'select', optionLabel: 'name&&code', optionValue: 'code', options: this.linkList },
{ prop: 'offset', label: '偏移量:', type: 'number', min: 0, placeholder: '米' },
{ prop: 'position.x', firstLevel: 'position', secondLevel: 'x', label: '信号机x:', type: 'number', placeholder: '米' },
{ prop: 'position.y', firstLevel: 'position', secondLevel: 'y', label: '信号机y:', type: 'number', placeholder: '米' },
{ prop: 'rotate', label: '旋转角度:', type: 'number', min: -90, max: 90, placeholder: '度' },
{ prop: 'namePosition.x', firstLevel: 'namePosition', secondLevel: 'x', label: '信号机名字偏移量 x:', type: 'number', placeholder: 'px' },
{ prop: 'namePosition.y', firstLevel: 'namePosition', secondLevel: 'x', label: '信号机名字偏移量 y:', type: 'number', placeholder: 'px' },
{ prop: 'buttonShow', label: '是否显示按钮:', type: 'checkbox' },
{ prop: 'buttonPosition.x', firstLevel: 'buttonPosition', secondLevel: 'x', label: '按钮x:', type: 'number', placeholder: 'px' },
{ prop: 'buttonPosition.y', firstLevel: 'buttonPosition', secondLevel: 'x', label: '按钮y:', type: 'number', placeholder: 'px' },
{ prop: 'guideShow', label: '是否显示引导信号灯:', type: 'checkbox' },
{ prop: 'guidePosition.x', firstLevel: 'guidePosition', secondLevel: 'x', label: '引导信号x:', type: 'number', placeholder: 'px' },
{ prop: 'guidePosition.y', firstLevel: 'guidePosition', secondLevel: 'x', label: '引导信号y:', type: 'number', placeholder: 'px' }
{ prop: 'offset', label: this.$t('map.signalOffset'), type: 'number', min: 0, placeholder: this.$t('tip.meter') },
{ prop: 'position.x', firstLevel: 'position', secondLevel: 'x', label: this.$t('map.signalPositionX'), type: 'number', placeholder: this.$t('tip.meter') },
{ prop: 'position.y', firstLevel: 'position', secondLevel: 'y', label: this.$t('map.signalPositionY'), type: 'number', placeholder: this.$t('tip.meter') },
{ prop: 'rotate', label: this.$t('map.signalRotate'), type: 'number', min: -90, max: 90, placeholder: this.$t('tip.angle') },
{ prop: 'namePosition.x', firstLevel: 'namePosition', secondLevel: 'x', label: this.$t('map.signalNamePositionX'), type: 'number', placeholder: 'px' },
{ prop: 'namePosition.y', firstLevel: 'namePosition', secondLevel: 'x', label: this.$t('map.signalNamePositionY'), type: 'number', placeholder: 'px' },
{ prop: 'buttonShow', label: this.$t('map.signalButtonShow'), type: 'checkbox' },
{ prop: 'buttonPosition.x', firstLevel: 'buttonPosition', secondLevel: 'x', label: this.$t('map.signalButtonPositionX'), type: 'number', placeholder: 'px' },
{ prop: 'buttonPosition.y', firstLevel: 'buttonPosition', secondLevel: 'x', label: this.$t('map.signalButtonPositionY'), type: 'number', placeholder: 'px' },
{ prop: 'guideShow', label: this.$t('map.signalGuideShow'), type: 'checkbox' },
{ prop: 'guidePosition.x', firstLevel: 'guidePosition', secondLevel: 'x', label: this.$t('map.signalGuidePositionX'), type: 'number', placeholder: 'px' },
{ prop: 'guidePosition.y', firstLevel: 'guidePosition', secondLevel: 'x', label: this.$t('map.signalGuidePositionY'), type: 'number', placeholder: 'px' }
return form;
@ -229,37 +228,37 @@ export default {
rules() {
const rules = {
code: [
{ required: true, message: '请选择设备', trigger: 'change' }
{ required: true, message: this.$t('rules.selectEquipment'), trigger: 'change' }
name: [
{ required: true, message: '请输入信号灯名称', trigger: 'blur' }
{ required: true, message: this.$t('rules.pleaseEnterSemaphoreName'), trigger: 'blur' }
uniqueName: [
{ required: true, message: '请输入信号机唯一名称', trigger: 'blur' }
{ required: true, message: this.$t('rules.pleaseEnterSignalName'), trigger: 'blur' }
offset: [
{ required: true, message: '请输入偏移量', trigger: 'blur' }
{ required: true, message: this.$t('rules.pleaseEnterSignalOffset'), trigger: 'blur' }
stationCode: [
{ required: true, message: '请输入设备集中站', trigger: 'change' }
{ required: true, message: this.$t('rules.pleaseEnterSignalStation'), trigger: 'change' }
'position.x': [
{ required: true, message: '信号机x', trigger: 'blur' }
{ required: true, message: this.$t('rules.pleaseEnterSignalPositionX'), trigger: 'blur' }
'position.y': [
{ required: true, message: '信号机y', trigger: 'blur' }
{ required: true, message: this.$t('rules.pleaseEnterSignalPositionY'), trigger: 'blur' }
'buttonPosition.x': [
{ required: true, message: '请输入按钮x', trigger: 'blur' }
{ required: true, message: this.$t('rules.signalButtonPositionX'), trigger: 'blur' }
'buttonPosition.y': [
{ required: true, message: '请输入按钮y', trigger: 'blur' }
{ required: true, message: this.$t('rules.signalButtonPositionY'), trigger: 'blur' }
'guidePosition.x': [
{ required: true, message: '请输入引导信号x', trigger: 'blur' }
{ required: true, message: this.$t('rules.signalGuidePositionX'), trigger: 'blur' }
'guidePosition.y': [
{ required: true, message: '请输入引导信号y', trigger: 'blur' }
{ required: true, message: this.$t('rules,signalGuidePositionY'), trigger: 'blur' }
// 清空表单验证提示信息
@ -422,7 +421,7 @@ export default {
this.$emit('addOrUpdateMapModel', model);
} else {
@ -478,15 +477,15 @@ export default {
const selected = this.$store.getters['map/getDeviceByCode'](this.editModel.code);
if (selected && selected._type === 'Signal') {
const _that = this;
this.$confirm('是否确认删除?', '提示', {
confirmButtonText: '确定',
cancelButtonText: '取消',
this.$confirm(this.$t('tip.confirmDeletion'), this.$t('tip.hint'), {
confirmButtonText: this.$t('tip.confirm'),
cancelButtonText: this.$t('tip.cancel'),
type: 'warning'
}).then(() => {
_that.$emit('delMapModel', selected);
}).catch(() => {
@ -495,5 +494,4 @@ export default {
<style rel="stylesheet/scss" lang="scss" scoped>
@import "src/styles/mixin.scss";
@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
<el-tabs v-model="activeName">
<el-tab-pane class="view-control" label="属性" name="first">
<el-tab-pane class="view-control" :label="$t('')" name="first">
<el-scrollbar wrap-class="scrollbar-wrapper" :style="{ height: cardHeight +'px' }">
<config-list ref="dataform" :form="form" :form-model="editModel" :rules="rules" />
<el-button-group class="map-draft-group">
<el-button type="primary" @click="edit">修改</el-button>
<el-button type="primary" @click="deleteObj">删除</el-button>
<el-button type="primary" @click="edit">{{ $t('map.updateObj') }}</el-button>
<el-button type="primary" @click="deleteObj">{{ $t('map.deleteObj') }}</el-button>
<el-tab-pane class="view-control" label="操作" name="second">
<el-tab-pane class="view-control" :label="$t('map.operation')" name="second">
<el-scrollbar wrap-class="scrollbar-wrapper" :style="{ height: cardHeight +'px' }">
<el-form ref="make" label-width="140px" :model="addModel" size="mini" :rules="mergeRules">
<el-form-item label="物理区段名称:" prop="sectionCode">
<el-form-item :label="$t('map.physicalSegmentName')" prop="sectionCode">
<el-select v-model="addModel.sectionCode" filterable>
v-for="item in PhysicalSectionList"
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
<el-button-group class="map-draft-group">
<el-button type="primary" @click="create">创建</el-button>
<el-button type="primary" @click="create">{{ $t('map.create') }}</el-button>
@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ export default {
skins: [],
mergeRules: {
sectionCode: [
{ required: true, message: '请选择物理区段名称', trigger: 'blur' }
{ required: true, message: this.$t('rules.selectPhysicalExtentName'), trigger: 'blur' }
@ -101,22 +101,22 @@ export default {
const form = {
labelWidth: '150px',
items: [
{ prop: 'concentrateStationCode', label: '所属联锁站编码:', type: 'select', optionLabel: 'code&&name', optionValue: 'code', options: this.stationList },
{ prop: 'code', label: '车站编码:', type: 'select', optionLabel: 'code&&name', optionValue: 'code', options: this.stationList, change: true, deviceChange: this.deviceChange },
{ prop: 'zcCode', label: '所属zc区域编码:', type: 'select', optionLabel: 'code&&name', optionValue: 'code', options: this.zcList },
{ prop: 'centralized', label: '是否集中站:', type: 'checkbox' },
{ prop: 'name', label: '车站名称:', type: 'input' },
{ prop: 'runPlanName', label: '真实名称:', type: 'input' },
{ prop: 'visible', label: '是否显示:', type: 'checkbox' },
{ prop: 'nameFont', label: '车站字体:', type: 'font', placeholder: '车站字体' },
{ prop: 'nameFontColor', label: '车站字体颜色:', type: 'color' },
{ prop: 'kmPostShow', label: '是否显示公里标名称:', type: 'checkbox' },
{ prop: 'kmRange', label: '公里标距离:', type: 'number', min: 0, placeholder: '米' },
{ prop: 'kmPost', label: '公里标名称:', type: 'input' },
{ prop: 'kmPostFont', label: '公里标字体:', type: 'font', placeholder: '公里标字体' },
{ prop: 'kmPostFontColor', label: '公里标字体颜色:', type: 'color' },
{ prop: 'position.x', firstLevel: 'position', secondLevel: 'x', label: 'x坐标:', type: 'number', placeholder: 'px' },
{ prop: 'position.y', firstLevel: 'position', secondLevel: 'y', label: 'y坐标:', type: 'number', placeholder: 'px' }
{ prop: 'concentrateStationCode', label: this.$t('map.concentrateStationCode'), type: 'select', optionLabel: 'code&&name', optionValue: 'code', options: this.stationList },
{ prop: 'code', label: this.$t('map.stationCode'), type: 'select', optionLabel: 'code&&name', optionValue: 'code', options: this.stationList, change: true, deviceChange: this.deviceChange },
{ prop: 'zcCode', label: this.$t('map.zcCode'), type: 'select', optionLabel: 'code&&name', optionValue: 'code', options: this.zcList },
{ prop: 'centralized', label: this.$t('map.centralized'), type: 'checkbox' },
{ prop: 'name', label: this.$t('map.stationNameColon'), type: 'input' },
{ prop: 'runPlanName', label: this.$t('map.stationRunPlanName'), type: 'input' },
{ prop: 'visible', label: this.$t('map.stationVisible'), type: 'checkbox' },
{ prop: 'nameFont', label: this.$t('map.stationNameFont'), type: 'font', placeholder: this.$t('tip.stationFont') },
{ prop: 'nameFontColor', label: this.$t('map.stationNameFontColor'), type: 'color' },
{ prop: 'kmPostShow', label: this.$t('map.stationKmPostShow'), type: 'checkbox' },
{ prop: 'kmRange', label: this.$t('map.stationKmRange'), type: 'number', min: 0, placeholder: this.$t('tip.meter') },
{ prop: 'kmPost', label: this.$t('map.stationKmPost'), type: 'input' },
{ prop: 'kmPostFont', label: this.$t('map.stationKmPostFont'), type: 'font', placeholder: this.$t('tip.kilometerFont') },
{ prop: 'kmPostFontColor', label: this.$t('map.stationKmPostFontColor'), type: 'color' },
{ prop: 'position.x', firstLevel: 'position', secondLevel: 'x', label: this.$t('map.stationPositionX'), type: 'number', placeholder: 'px' },
{ prop: 'position.y', firstLevel: 'position', secondLevel: 'y', label: this.$t('map.stationPositionY'), type: 'number', placeholder: 'px' }
return form;
@ -124,22 +124,22 @@ export default {
rules() {
const rules = {
code: [
{ required: true, message: '请选择设备', trigger: 'change' }
{ required: true, message: this.$t('rules.selectEquipment'), trigger: 'change' }
name: [
{ required: true, message: '请输入车站名称', trigger: 'blur' }
{ required: true, message: this.$t('rules.stationName'), trigger: 'blur' }
kmRange: [
{ required: true, message: '请输入公里标距离', trigger: 'blur' }
{ required: true, message: this.$t('rules.stationKmRange'), trigger: 'blur' }
kmPost: [
{ required: true, message: '请输入公里标名称', trigger: 'blur' }
{ required: true, message: this.$t('rules.stationKmPost'), trigger: 'blur' }
'position.x': [
{ required: true, message: '请输入x坐标', trigger: 'blur' }
{ required: true, message: this.$t('rules.stationPositionX'), trigger: 'blur' }
'position.y': [
{ required: true, message: '请输入y坐标', trigger: 'blur' }
{ required: true, message: this.$t('rules.stationPositionY'), trigger: 'blur' }
// 清空表单验证提示信息
@ -287,15 +287,15 @@ export default {
const selected = this.$store.getters['map/getDeviceByCode'](this.editModel.code);
if (selected && selected._type.toUpperCase() === 'Station'.toUpperCase()) {
const _that = this;
this.$confirm('是否确认删除?', '提示', {
confirmButtonText: '确定',
cancelButtonText: '取消',
this.$confirm(this.$t('tip.confirmDeletion'), this.$t('tip.hint'), {
confirmButtonText: this.$t('tip.confirm'),
cancelButtonText: this.$t('tip.cancel'),
type: 'warning'
}).then(() => {
_that.$emit('delMapModel', selected);
}).catch(() => {
@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
<el-tabs v-model="activeName">
<el-tab-pane class="view-control" label="属性" name="first">
<el-tab-pane class="view-control" :label="$t('')" name="first">
<el-scrollbar wrap-class="scrollbar-wrapper" :style="{ height: cardHeight +'px' }">
<config-list ref="dataform" :form="form" :form-model="editModel" :rules="rules" />
<el-button-group class="map-draft-group">
<el-button type="primary" @click="edit">修改</el-button>
<el-button type="primary" @click="deleteObj">删除</el-button>
<el-button type="primary" @click="edit">{{ $t('map.updateObj') }}</el-button>
<el-button type="primary" @click="deleteObj">{{ $t('map.deleteObj') }}</el-button>
<el-tab-pane class="view-control" label="操作" name="second">
<el-tab-pane class="view-control" :label="$t('map.operation')" name="second">
<el-scrollbar wrap-class="scrollbar-wrapper" :style="{ height: cardHeight +'px' }">
<el-form ref="make" :model="addModel" label-width="120px" size="mini" :rules="makeRules">
<el-form-item label="车站名称:" prop="stationCode">
<el-form-item :label="$t('map.stationNameColon')" prop="stationCode">
<el-select v-model="addModel.stationCode" filterable>
v-for="item in stationList"
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
<el-button-group class="map-draft-group">
<el-button type="primary" @click="create">创建</el-button>
<el-button type="primary" @click="create">{{ $t('map.create') }}</el-button>
@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ export default {
makeRules: {
stationCode: [
{ required: true, message: '请选择车站名称', trigger: 'change' }
{ required: true, message: this.$t('rules.stationControlStationName'), trigger: 'change' }
@ -92,16 +92,16 @@ export default {
const form = {
labelWidth: '160px',
items: [
{ prop: 'stationCode', label: '所属设备集中站:', type: 'select', optionLabel: 'name&&code', optionValue: 'code', options: this.stationList },
{ prop: 'code', label: '控制模式编码:', type: 'select', optionLabel: 'code', optionValue: 'code', options: this.stationControlList, change: true, deviceChange: this.deviceChange },
{ prop: 'zcCode', label: '所属zc区域编码:', type: 'select', optionLabel: 'code&&name', optionValue: 'code', options: this.zcList },
{ prop: 'name', label: '控制模式名称:', type: 'input' },
{ prop: 'zokContent', label: '中控内容:', type: 'input' },
{ prop: 'zakContent', label: '站控内容:', type: 'input' },
{ prop: 'jjzkContent', label: '紧急站控/总报警内容:', type: 'input' },
{ prop: 'zzkContent', label: '站中控内容:', type: 'input' },
{ prop: 'position.x', firstLevel: 'position', secondLevel: 'x', label: '坐标 x:', type: 'number', placeholder: 'px' },
{ prop: 'position.y', firstLevel: 'position', secondLevel: 'y', label: '坐标 y:', type: 'number', placeholder: 'px' }
{ prop: 'stationCode', label: this.$t('map.equipmentStation'), type: 'select', optionLabel: 'name&&code', optionValue: 'code', options: this.stationList },
{ prop: 'code', label: this.$t('map.stationControlCode'), type: 'select', optionLabel: 'code', optionValue: 'code', options: this.stationControlList, change: true, deviceChange: this.deviceChange },
{ prop: 'zcCode', label: this.$t('map.zcCode'), type: 'select', optionLabel: 'code&&name', optionValue: 'code', options: this.zcList },
{ prop: 'name', label: this.$t('map.stationControlName'), type: 'input' },
{ prop: 'zokContent', label: this.$t('map.zokContent'), type: 'input' },
{ prop: 'zakContent', label: this.$t('map.zakContent'), type: 'input' },
{ prop: 'jjzkContent', label: this.$t('map.jjzkContent'), type: 'input' },
{ prop: 'zzkContent', label: this.$t('map.zzkContent'), type: 'input' },
{ prop: 'position.x', firstLevel: 'position', secondLevel: 'x', label: this.$t('map.stationControlPositionX'), type: 'number', placeholder: 'px' },
{ prop: 'position.y', firstLevel: 'position', secondLevel: 'y', label: this.$t('map.stationControlPositionY'), type: 'number', placeholder: 'px' }
return form;
@ -109,28 +109,28 @@ export default {
rules() {
const rules = {
code: [
{ required: true, message: '请选择设备', trigger: 'change' }
{ required: true, message: this.$t('rules.selectEquipment'), trigger: 'change' }
stationCode: [
{ required: true, message: '请选择所属车站', trigger: 'change' }
{ required: true, message: this.$t('rules.stationControlStationCode'), trigger: 'change' }
zokContent: [
{ required: true, message: '请输入中控内容', trigger: 'blur' }
{ required: true, message: this.$t('rules.stationControlZokContent'), trigger: 'blur' }
zakContent: [
{ required: true, message: '请输入站控内容', trigger: 'blur' }
{ required: true, message: this.$t('rules.stationControlZakContent'), trigger: 'blur' }
jjzkContent: [
{ required: true, message: '请输入紧急站控内容', trigger: 'blur' }
{ required: true, message: this.$t('rules.stationControlJjzkContent'), trigger: 'blur' }
zzkContent: [
{ required: true, message: '请输入站中控内容', trigger: 'blur' }
{ required: true, message: this.$t('rules.stationControlZzkContent'), trigger: 'blur' }
'position.x': [
{ required: true, message: '请输入坐标x', trigger: 'blur' }
{ required: true, message: this.$t('rules.stationControlPositionX'), trigger: 'blur' }
'position.y': [
{ required: true, message: '请输入坐标y', trigger: 'blur' }
{ required: true, message: this.$t('rules.stationControlPositionY'), trigger: 'blur' }
// 清空表单验证提示信息
Reference in New Issue
Block a user