
This commit is contained in:
joylink_cuiweidong 2022-12-09 16:27:47 +08:00
parent 1832e71264
commit ce983bc448
2 changed files with 365 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,364 @@
<div id="menuBarChengdu03">
<menu-bar ref="menuBar" :menu-normal="menuNormal" style="width:100%" />
import MenuBar from '@/jmapNew/theme/components/menus/menuBarNew';
import { OperationEvent } from '@/scripts/cmdPlugin/OperationHandler';
export default {
name: 'DispatchWorkMenuBar',
components: {
data() {
return {
title: '系统',
operate: OperationEvent.Command.mBar.system,
children: [
title: '登录',
click: this.undeveloped
title: '注销',
click: this.undeveloped
type: 'separator'
title: '连接主用中心',
click: this.undeveloped
title: '连接备用中心',
click: this.undeveloped
type: 'separator'
title: '退出',
click: this.undeveloped
title: '临时限速',
operate: OperationEvent.Command.mBar.limitSpeed,
children: [
title: '设置临时限速',
operate: OperationEvent.Section.setLimitSpeed,
click: this.setLimitSpeed
title: '取消临时限速',
operate: OperationEvent.Section.cancelSpeed,
click: this.cancleLimitSpeed
title: '查看',
operate: OperationEvent.Command.mBar.check,
children: [
title: '运行图',
click: this.undeveloped
title: '报告分析',
click: this.undeveloped
type: 'separator'
title: '视图',
click: this.undeveloped,
operate: '',
children: [{
title: '报警',
click: this.undeveloped
title: '列车运行信息',
click: this.undeveloped
title: '设备状态',
click: this.undeveloped
title: '列车详细信息',
click: this.undeveloped
title: '站台详细信息',
click: this.undeveloped
title: '终端站发车列表',
click: this.undeveloped
title: '详细设备状态',
click: this.undeveloped
title: '查找列车',
click: this.undeveloped
type: 'separator'
title: '显示目的地号',
click: this.undeveloped
title: '显示轨道名',
click: this.undeveloped
title: '显示道岔名',
click: this.undeveloped
title: '显示信号机名',
click: this.undeveloped
title: '显示车次窗位置',
click: this.undeveloped
type: 'separator'
title: '显示车次号',
click: this.undeveloped
title: '显示车组号',
click: this.undeveloped
type: 'separator'
title: '全屏',
click: this.undeveloped
title: '放大',
click: this.undeveloped
title: '缩小',
click: this.undeveloped
title: '恢复',
click: this.undeveloped
title: '车站定位',
operate: '',
children: [
title: '显示',
operate: OperationEvent.Command.mBar.view,
hide: true,
children: [
title: '设置列车识别号显示',
click: this.setTrainIdDisplay,
operate: OperationEvent.Command.view.setTrainIdDisplay
title: '设置名称显示',
click: this.setNameDisplay,
operate: OperationEvent.Command.view.setNameDisplay
title: '设置设备显示',
click: this.setDeviceDisplay,
operate: OperationEvent.Command.view.setDeviceDisplay
title: 'ATS终端操作',
operate: '',
children: [
title: '当天运行车计划',
click: this.undeveloped
title: '出入库预告',
click: this.undeveloped
title: '计划车操作',
operate: '',
children: [
title: '添加计划车',
click: this.undeveloped
title: '平移计划车',
click: this.undeveloped
title: '删除计划车',
click: this.undeveloped
title: '批处理命令',
operate: '',
children: [
title: '全线扣车',
click: this.undeveloped
title: '取消全线扣车',
click: this.undeveloped
title: '取消上行全线扣车',
click: this.undeveloped
title: '取消下行全线扣车',
click: this.undeveloped
title: '信息管理',
operate: '',
children: [
title: '调度日志',
click: this.undeveloped
title: '调度留言提醒',
click: this.undeveloped
title: '报警设置',
click: this.undeveloped
title: '帮助',
operate: '',
children: [
title: '关于ITS GPC 工作站',
click: this.about,
operate: OperationEvent.Command.help.about
mounted() {
initMenu() {
if (this.menuNormal[3]) {
this.menuNormal[3].children = this.initStationList();
initStationList() {
const list = [];
this.stationList.forEach(station => {
if (station.visible) {
const node = {
title: station.name,
operate: station.code,
show: true,
click: this.mapLocation,
code: station.code
return list;
mapLocation(code) {
if (code) {
this.$store.dispatch('training/updateOffsetStationCode', { offsetStationCode: code });
undeveloped() {
this.$alert('实现中......', '提示', {
confirmButtonText: '确定',
callback: action => {
setLimitSpeed(order) {
const operate = {
operation: order.operate
this.$store.dispatch('trainingNew/next', operate).then(({ valid }) => {
if (valid) {
this.$store.dispatch('menuOperation/handleBreakFlag', { break: true });
this.$refs.setLimitSpeed.doShow(operate, true);
cancleLimitSpeed(order) {
const operate = {
operation: order.operate
this.$store.dispatch('trainingNew/next', operate).then(({ valid }) => {
if (valid) {
this.$store.dispatch('menuOperation/handleBreakFlag', { break: true });
this.$refs.setLimitSpeed.doShow(operate, false);
about(order) {
const operate = {
operation: order.operate
this.$store.dispatch('trainingNew/next', operate).then(({ valid }) => {
if (valid) {
this.$store.dispatch('menuOperation/handleBreakFlag', { break: true });

View File

@ -119,6 +119,7 @@ export default {
label: '新建计划列车',
handler: this.createPlanTrain,
cmdType: CMD.Section.CMD_Train_Init_Plan,
isDisabled: (sectionDevice, work) => false,
isShow: (sectionDevice, work) => work === 'dispatchWork'