@ -1,315 +1,323 @@
export default {
pleaseSelect: '请选择',
sketchMap: '草稿地图列表',
newConstruction: '新建',
importMap: '导入地图',
createNewMap: '新建地图',
normalCreate: '正常创建',
saveMapAs: '地图另存为',
create: '创建',
dataVerification: '数据校验',
logicalView: '逻辑视图',
physicalView: '物理视图',
mixedView: '混合视图',
normal: '正常',
add: '添加',
are: '是',
deny: '否',
drawData: 'The drawing data',
mapData: 'Map data',
pleaseSelect: 'please choose',
sketchMap: 'Draft map list',
newConstruction: 'create',
importMap: 'Import the map',
createNewMap: 'A new map',
normalCreate: 'The normal to create',
saveMapAs: 'Save the map as',
create: 'establish',
dataVerification: 'data verification',
logicalView: 'logical view',
physicalView: 'Physical view',
mixedView: 'The mixed view',
normal: 'normal',
add: 'add',
are: 'yes',
deny: 'no',
drawMap: 'draw',
advanced: 'advanced',
viewLayer: 'The view layer',
layerDisplay: 'The layer display',
viewShows: 'View shows',
contentShows: 'content show',
save: '保存',
updata: '更新',
updateObj: '修改',
updateObjAxis: '更新坐标',
saveAs: '另存为',
publish: '发布',
deleteObj: '删除',
remove: '移除',
lastStep: '上一步',
confirm: '确 定',
cancel: '取 消',
cancelledDelete: '已取消删除',
confirmDeletion: '是否确认删除?',
hint: '提示',
save: 'save',
updata: 'update',
updateObj: 'modification',
updateObjAxis: 'Update the coordinate',
saveAs: 'save as',
publish: 'publish',
deleteObj: 'delete',
remove: 'remove',
lastStep: 'last step',
confirm: 'confirm',
cancel: 'cancel',
cancelledDelete: 'Cancelled delete',
confirmDeletion: 'Confirm deletion?',
hint: 'hint',
link: 'link',
section: '区段',
switch: '道岔',
signal: '信号机',
zcZoneControl: 'zc区域控制',
temporaryLimit: '全线临时限速',
lcControl: 'Lc控制',
image: '图片',
station: '车站',
controlMode: '控制模式',
platform: '站台',
counter: '计数器',
delayUnlock: '延迟解锁',
train: '列车',
trainWindow: '车次窗',
line: '线条',
text: '文字',
section: 'section',
switch: 'switch',
signal: 'signal',
zcZoneControl: 'zc zone control',
temporaryLimit: 'temporary speed restriction',
lcControl: 'Lc control',
image: 'image',
station: 'station',
controlMode: 'control mode',
platform: 'platform',
counter: 'counter',
delayUnlock: 'Delay to unlock',
train: 'train',
trainWindow: 'train window',
line: 'line',
text: 'text',
mapName: '地图名称:',
skinName: '皮肤风格:',
selectCity: '所属城市:',
offsetXColon: 'X偏移:',
offsetYColon: 'Y偏移:',
scalingColon: '缩放比例:',
operationUnusual: '操作异常:',
offsetX: 'X偏移',
offsetY: 'Y偏移',
scaling: '缩放比例',
statusSignalName: '状态信号名称:',
stateSignalsPlotCoordinates: '状态信号画图坐标:',
equipmentStation: '所属设备集中站:',
mapName: 'Name of the map:',
skinName: 'Skin style:',
selectCity: 'city:',
offsetXColon: 'X Offset:',
offsetYColon: 'Y Offset:',
scalingColon: 'scaling:',
operationUnusual: 'abnormal operation:',
offsetX: 'X Offset',
offsetY: 'Y Offset',
scaling: 'scaling',
statusSignalName: 'Status signal name:',
stateSignalsPlotCoordinates: 'State signals plot coordinates:',
equipmentStation: 'Equipment centralization station:',
lineCoding: '线条编码:',
lineType: '线条类型:',
lineWidth: '线条宽度:',
segmentCoordinates: '区段显示坐标:',
lineCoding: 'Line coding:',
lineType: 'Line type:',
lineWidth: 'Line width:',
segmentCoordinates: 'Segment display coordinates:',
publishMapCreation: '从发布地图创建',
publishMapCreation: 'Create from the publish map',
pleaseEnterMapName: '请输入地图名称',
pleaseChooseSkinCode: '请选择皮肤风格',
pleaseSelectMapSource: '请选择地图来源',
pleaseSelectAssociatedCity: '请选择关联城市',
pleaseSelectAssociatedSkin: '请选择关联皮肤',
pleaseEnteMapLinkWidth: '请输入地图Link宽度',
pleaseEnterMapSectionWidth: '请输入地图区段宽度',
pleaseEnterMapName: 'Please enter a map name',
pleaseChooseSkinCode: 'Please choose skin style',
pleaseSelectMapSource: 'Please select the map source',
pleaseSelectAssociatedCity: 'Please select the associated city',
pleaseSelectAssociatedSkin: 'Please select associated skin',
pleaseEnteMapLinkWidth: 'Please enter map Link width',
pleaseEnterMapSectionWidth: 'Please enter map section width',
failedLoadListPublishedMaps: '加载已发布地图列表失败',
creatingSuccessful: '创建成功!',
mapUpdateSuccessful: '更新地图成功!',
createFailure: '创建失败',
importSuccessful: '导入成功!',
importFailure: '导入失败',
updateSuccessfully: '更新成功',
updateFailed: '更新失败',
failedLoadCityList: '加载城市列表失败',
successfullyDelete: '删除成功',
failDelete: '删除失败',
dataValidationFailed: '发布失败,数据校验不通过',
releaseSuccess: '发布成功!',
abnormalOperation: '操作异常',
datQuestion: '有问题数据',
dataList: '数据列表',
saveFailed: '另存失败',
failedLoadListPublishedMaps: 'Failed to load the list of published maps',
creatingSuccessful: 'Created successfully!',
mapUpdateSuccessful: 'Map update successful!',
createFailure: 'Create a failure',
importSuccessful: 'Import successful!',
importFailure: 'Import failure',
updateSuccessfully: 'update successfully',
updateFailed: 'Update failed',
failedLoadCityList: 'Failed to load city list',
successfullyDelete: 'successfully delete',
failDelete: 'fail to delete',
dataValidationFailed: 'Publishing failed, data validation failed',
releaseSuccess: 'Release success!',
abnormalOperation: 'abnormal operation',
datQuestion: 'Data in question',
dataList: 'Data list',
saveFailed: 'Save failed',
mapEditor: '地图编辑',
mapPublished: '地图发布为',
publishingAssociatedCity: '发布关联城市:',
publishMapName: '发布地图名称:',
mapEditor: 'map editor',
mapPublished: 'Map published as',
publishingAssociatedCity: 'Publishing associated city:',
publishMapName: 'Publish map name:',
editRoute: '编辑进路',
editRouting: '编辑交路',
editAutoRouting: '编辑自动信号',
setSwitch: '联动道岔',
pathUnit: '路径单元',
jlmap3d: '三维化编辑',
editRoute: 'Edit route',
editRouting: 'Edit/road',
editAutoRouting: 'Edit automatic signal',
setSwitch: 'Linkage switch',
pathUnit: 'The path to the unit',
jlmap3d: '3d editing',
automaticSignalList: '自动信号列表',
automaticSignalCode: '自动信号编码',
signalCodeName: '信号机名称',
signalCode: '信号机code',
sectionData: '区段数据',
preview: '预览',
operation: '操作',
compile: '编辑',
delete: '删除',
empty: '清空',
reset: '重置',
sectionName: '区段名称',
sectionList: '区段列表',
automaticSignal: '自动信号',
automaticSignalList: 'Automatic signal list',
automaticSignalCode: 'Automatic signal coding',
signalCodeName: 'Signal name',
signalCode: 'Signal code',
sectionData: 'Section data',
preview: 'preview',
operation: 'operation',
compile: 'compile',
delete: 'delete',
empty: 'empty',
reset: 'reset',
sectionName: 'name of the section',
sectionList: 'Section lists',
automaticSignal: 'automatic signal',
signalID: '信号机ID:',
activate: '激活',
segmentData: '进路自动触发区段数据:',
signalID: 'Signal ID:',
activate: 'activate',
segmentData: 'approach automatically triggers the segment data:',
pleaseSelectSignal: '请选择信号机',
triggerSegmentData: '请选择进路自动触发区段数据',
automaticSignalSuccessful: '创建自动信号成功!',
failedCreateSignal: '创建自动信号失败',
automaticSignalUpdateSucceeded: '更新自动信号成功!',
automaticSignalUpdateFailed: '更新自动信号失败',
pleaseSelectSignal: 'Please select the signal',
triggerSegmentData: 'Select approach to automatically trigger segment data',
automaticSignalSuccessful: 'Automatic signal creation successful!',
failedCreateSignal: 'Failed to create automatic signal',
automaticSignalUpdateSucceeded: 'Automatic signal update successful!',
automaticSignalUpdateFailed: 'Automatic signal update failed',
stationName: '车站名称:',
stationName: 'The station name:',
property: '属性',
counterCoding: '计数器编码:',
counterName: '计数器名称:',
belongsStation: '所属车站:',
counterType: '计数器类型:',
countMax: '计数器最大值:',
pointX: '坐标 x:',
pointY: '坐标 y:',
meter: '米',
property: 'attribute',
counterCoding: 'Counter coding:',
counterName: 'Counter name:',
belongsStation: 'Belongs to the station:',
counterType: 'Counter type:',
countMax: 'Counter maximum:',
pointX: 'coordinates x:',
pointY: 'coordinates y:',
meter: 'meter',
code: '编码:',
imageName: '图片名称:',
imageWidth: '图片宽度:',
imageHeight: '图片高度:',
imagePoint: '图片坐标:',
imageZindex: '图片层级:',
imageSelect: '图片选择:',
rotateAngle: '旋转角度:',
code: 'code:',
imageName: 'Image name:',
imageWidth: 'Image width:',
imageHeight: 'Picture height:',
imagePoint: 'Image coordinates:',
imageZindex: 'Image level:',
imageSelect: 'Pictures to choose:',
rotateAngle: 'Rotation Angle:',
areaSolution: '区故解',
alwaysSolution: '总人解',
areaSolution: 'Area so the solution',
alwaysSolution: 'People always solution',
pleaseSelectMap: '请选择地图',
selectCounterType: '请选择计数器类型',
selectStation: '请选择车站',
pleaseSelectDevice: '请重新选择设备',
pleaseSelectCountName: '请输入计数器名称',
pleaseCounterValue: '请输入计数器最大值',
pleaseEnterXCoordinate: '请输入x坐标',
pleaseEnterYCoordinate: '请输入y坐标',
pleaseEnterDelayTime: '请输入延时时间',
pleaseEnterFontColor: '请输入字体颜色',
pleaseEnterFontFormat: '请输入字体格式',
pleaseEnterImageWidth: '请输入图片宽度',
pleaseEnterImageHeight: '请输入图片高度',
pleaseSelectMap: 'Please select map',
selectCounterType: 'Select the counter type',
selectStation: 'Please select station',
pleaseSelectDevice: 'Please re-select the device',
pleaseSelectCountName: 'Please enter a counter name',
pleaseCounterValue: 'please enter counter maximum',
pleaseEnterXCoordinate: 'Please enter the x coordinate',
pleaseEnterYCoordinate: 'Please enter the y coordinate',
pleaseEnterDelayTime: 'Please enter delay time',
pleaseEnterFontColor: 'Please enter the font color',
pleaseEnterFontFormat: 'Please enter the font format',
pleaseEnterImageWidth: 'Please enter image width',
pleaseEnterImageHeight: 'Please enter image width',
delayUnlockingCode: '延时解锁编码:',
delayTime: '延时时间:',
font: '字体:',
color: '颜色:',
delayUnlockingCode: 'Delay unlocking code:',
delayTime: 'Delay time:',
font: 'font:',
color: 'color:',
upside: '上段',
hypomere: '下段',
upside: 'In the upper',
hypomere: 'The period of',
linkType: 'Link类型',
linkCode: 'Link编码:',
linkName: 'Link名称:',
linkDisplayLength: 'Link显示长度:',
linkActualLength: 'Link实际长度:',
linkColor: 'Link颜色:',
linkLeftFdCode: '左侧正向Link:',
linkLeftSdCode: '左侧侧向Link:',
linkRightFdCode: '右侧正向Link:',
linkRightSdCode: '右侧侧向Link:',
linkLp: 'Link 起点坐标:',
linkRp: 'Link 终点坐标:',
linkType: 'The Link type',
linkCode: 'The Link code:',
linkName: 'The Link name:',
linkDisplayLength: 'Link display length:',
linkActualLength: 'Actual Link length:',
linkColor: 'The Link colors:',
linkLeftFdCode: 'Left forward Link:',
linkLeftSdCode: 'Left lateral Link:',
linkRightFdCode: 'Right forward Link:',
linkRightSdCode: 'Right lateral Link:',
linkLp: 'Link Start point coordinates:',
linkRp: 'Link End point coordinates:',
rulesChange: '规则修改',
sectionNameC: '区段名称:',
splitMerge: '拆分/合并',
linkSet: 'Link集合',
selectLink: '选择Link',
splitOffset: '拆分偏移量:',
split: '拆分',
merge: '合并',
logicBlock: '逻辑区段',
aux: '第',
sectionLine: '段折线',
sectionPolyline: '区段折线',
switchSection: '道岔区段',
trainDirection: '列车所在方向:',
deleteSwitchSection: '一键删除道岔区段',
createSwitchSection: '一键创建道岔区段',
sectionLogicalNumber: '逻辑区段数量',
sectionLsectioncode: '左侧区段名称:',
sectionRsectioncode: '右侧区段名称:',
associatedSection: '关联物理区段:',
blockCoding: '区段编码:',
sectionType: '区段类型:',
sectionNameColon: '区段名称:',
sectionNameOffset: '区段名称偏移量:',
leftKilometerMark: '左侧公里标(米):',
rightKilometerMark: '右侧公里标(米):',
sectionColon: '区间:',
displayExtentName: '是否显示区段名称:',
displayAxleCounter: '是否显示计轴:',
displayLogicalExtents: '是否显示逻辑区段:',
displayLogicalWxtentNames: '是否显示逻辑区段名称:',
isStandTrack: '是否站台轨:',
standTrackName: '站台轨名称:',
standTrackNamePosition: '站台轨名称偏移量:',
relStandCode: '站台编码:',
isReentryTrack: '是否折返轨:',
reentryTrackName: '折返轨名称:',
reentryTrackNamePosition: '折返轨名称偏移量:',
isTransferTrack: '是否转换轨:',
transferTrackName: '转换轨名称:',
transferTrackNamePosition: '转换轨名称偏移量:',
destinationCode: '目的地码:',
destinationCodePoint: '目的地码坐标:',
destinationCodeShow: '是否显示目的地码:',
leftStopPointOffset: '左向停车点偏移量:',
rightStopPointOffset: '右向停车点偏移量:',
isSwitchSection: '是否道岔区段:',
relSwitchCode: '关联道岔Code:',
logicSectionNameSort: '逻辑区段排序:',
fromSmallToLarge: '从小到大',
fromLargeToSmall: '从大到小',
relevanceLinkCode: '关联的Link:',
sepTypeLeft: '左侧分隔符类型:',
sectionOffsetLeft: '左侧Link偏移量:',
sepTypeRight: '右侧分隔符类型:',
sectionOffsetRight: '右侧Link偏移量:',
isSegmentation: '是否分割:',
segmentationPosition: '默认背景:',
isCurve: '是否曲线:',
sectionPoints: '区段显示坐标:',
trainPosType: '列车所在方向:',
physicalSegmentName: '物理区段名称:',
rulesChange: 'The rules change',
sectionNameC: 'The name of the section:',
splitMerge: 'Split/merge',
linkSet: 'The Link set',
selectLink: 'Select the Link',
splitOffset: 'Split offset:',
split: 'Split',
merge: 'merge',
logicBlock: 'Logical extents',
aux: 'The first',
sectionLine: 'Section of the line',
sectionPolyline: 'Section polyline',
switchSection: 'The switch section',
trainDirection: 'Direction of train:',
deleteSwitchSection: 'One key to delete the switch section',
createSwitchSection: 'One key creates the turnout section',
sectionLogicalNumber: 'Number of logical extents',
sectionLsectioncode: 'Left section name:',
sectionRsectioncode: 'Right section name:',
associatedSection: 'Associated physical section:',
blockCoding: 'Block coding:',
sectionType: 'Section type:',
sectionNameColon: 'The name of the section:',
sectionNameOffset: 'Extentname offset:',
leftKilometerMark: 'Left kilometer mark (meter):',
rightKilometerMark: 'Right kilometer mark (meter):',
sectionColon: 'interval:',
displayExtentName: 'Whether to display the extent name:',
displayAxleCounter: 'Whether to display axis gauge:',
displayLogicalExtents: 'Whether to display logical extents:',
displayLogicalWxtentNames: 'Whether to display logical extent names:',
isStandTrack: 'Platform rail:',
standTrackName: 'Platform track name:',
standTrackNamePosition: 'Platform track name offset:',
relStandCode: 'The platform code:',
isReentryTrack: 'Whether to return to orbit:',
reentryTrackName: 'Name of reentrant rail:',
reentryTrackNamePosition: 'Backtrack name offset:',
isTransferTrack: 'Conversion rail:',
transferTrackName: 'Transfer rail name:',
transferTrackNamePosition: 'Conversion rail name offset:',
destinationCode: 'Destination code:',
destinationCodePoint: 'Destination code coordinates:',
destinationCodeShow: 'Whether to display destination code:',
leftStopPointOffset: 'Left stop point offset:',
rightStopPointOffset: 'Right stop point offset:',
isSwitchSection: 'Whether switch section:',
relSwitchCode: 'Relate turnout Code:',
logicSectionNameSort: 'Logical extent sort:',
fromSmallToLarge: 'From small to big',
fromLargeToSmall: 'From big to small',
relevanceLinkCode: 'The associated Link:',
sepTypeLeft: 'The left delimiter type:',
sectionOffsetLeft: 'Left Link offset:',
sepTypeRight: 'Right separator type:',
sectionOffsetRight: 'Right Link offset:',
isSegmentation: 'Whether or not split:',
segmentationPosition: 'The default setting:',
isCurve: 'Whether the curve:',
sectionPoints: 'Segment display coordinates:',
trainPosType: 'Direction of train:',
physicalSegmentName: 'Physical segment name:',
directionType: '形式方向:',
leftOrRight: '左右位置:',
positionType: '上下位置:',
directionType: 'Form the direction:',
leftOrRight: 'About the position:',
positionType: 'Upper and lower position:',
signalFilamentAlarm: '灯丝报警',
signalCodeColon: '信号机编码:',
signalNameColon: '信号机名称:',
signalUniqueName: '信号机唯一名称:',
signalDisplayName: '是否显示信号机名称:',
lampPostType: '灯柱类型:',
lampPositionType: '灯位类型:',
signalUseType: '用途类型:',
potLampType: '点灯类型:',
signalDirectionType: '方向类型:',
signalPositionType: '信号机位置类型:',
signalOffset: '偏移量:',
signalPositionX: '信号机x:',
signalPositionY: '信号机y:',
signalRotate: '旋转角度:',
signalNamePositionX: '信号机名字偏移量 x:',
signalNamePositionY: '信号机名字偏移量 y:',
signalButtonShow: '是否显示按钮:',
signalButtonPositionX: '按钮x:',
signalButtonPositionY: '按钮y:',
signalGuideShow: '是否显示引导信号灯:',
signalGuidePositionX: '引导信号x:',
signalGuidePositionY: '引导信号y:',
signalFilamentAlarm: 'Filament alarm',
signalCodeColon: 'Signal code:',
signalNameColon: 'Signal name:',
signalUniqueName: 'Unique name of signal:',
signalDisplayName: 'signal name is displayed:',
lampPostType: 'lamp type:',
lampPositionType: 'Lamp type:',
signalUseType: 'Use the type:',
potLampType: 'Light type:',
signalDirectionType: 'The direction of the type:',
signalPositionType: 'Signal position type:',
signalOffset: 'The offset:',
signalPositionX: 'Signal x:',
signalPositionY: 'Signal y:',
signalRotate: 'Rotation Angle:',
signalNamePositionX: 'Signal name offset x:',
signalNamePositionY: 'Signal name offset y:',
signalButtonShow: 'Display button:',
signalButtonPositionX: 'button x:',
signalButtonPositionY: 'button y:',
signalGuideShow: 'Whether the boot semaphore is displayed:',
signalGuidePositionX: 'Guiding signal x:',
signalGuidePositionY: 'Guiding signal y:',
concentrateStationCode: '所属联锁站编码:',
stationCode: '车站编码:',
zcCode: '所属zc区域编码:',
centralized: '是否集中站:',
stationNameColon: '车站名称:',
stationRunPlanName: '真实名称:',
stationVisible: '是否显示:',
stationNameFont: '车站字体:',
stationNameFontColor: '车站字体颜色:',
stationKmPostShow: '是否显示公里标名称:',
stationKmRange: '公里标距离:',
stationKmPost: '公里标名称:',
stationKmPostFont: '公里标字体:',
stationKmPostFontColor: '公里标字体颜色:',
stationPositionX: 'x坐标:',
stationPositionY: 'y坐标:',
concentrateStationCode: 'Interlocking station coding:',
stationCode: 'The station code:',
zcCode: 'Zc region:',
centralized: 'Centralized station or not:',
stationNameColon: 'The station name:',
stationRunPlanName: 'True name:',
stationVisible: 'Whether or not shown:',
stationNameFont: 'The font:',
stationNameFontColor: 'Station font color:',
stationKmPostShow: 'Whether to display the name of the kilometer marker:',
stationKmRange: 'Kilometer mark distance:',
stationKmPost: 'Kilometer mark name:',
stationKmPostFont: 'Kilometer mark font:',
stationKmPostFontColor: 'Font color of kilometer mark:',
stationPositionX: 'X coordinate:',
stationPositionY: 'Y coordinate:',
stationControlCode: '控制模式编码:',
stationControlName: '控制模式名称:',
zokContent: '中控内容:',
zakContent: '站控内容:',
jjzkContent: '紧急站控/总报警内容:',
zzkContent: '站中控内容:',
stationControlPositionX: '坐标 x:',
stationControlPositionY: '坐标 y:',
stationControlZok: '中控',
stationControlCode: 'Control mode coding:',
stationControlName: 'Control mode name:',
zokContent: 'Central content:',
zakContent: 'Stand accused of content:',
jjzkContent: 'Emergency station control/general alarm content:',
zzkContent: 'Station control content:',
stationControlPositionX: 'coordinates x:',
stationControlPositionY: 'coordinates y:',
stationControlZok: 'central',
skinDesignation: 'SkinName',
skinCoding: 'SkinCoding',
@ -393,150 +401,150 @@ export default {
sectionWidthInput: 'Please enter section width',
sectionWidthInputPrompt: 'Please enter a valid segment width',
selectShowWatermark: 'Select whether or not to watermark',
stationstandName: '选择车站名称:',
stationstandDirection: '站台方向:',
stationstandHasDoor: '是否显示屏蔽门:',
stationstandNameColon: '站台名称:',
stationstandTopBottom: '上下行方向:',
stationstandShowName: '是否显示名称:',
stationstandWidth: '宽度 w:',
stationstandHeight: '高度 h:',
stationstandPositionX: '坐标 x:',
stationstandPositionY: '坐标 y:',
stationstandName: 'Select station name:',
stationstandDirection: 'Direction of the platform:',
stationstandHasDoor: 'Whether to display screen door:',
stationstandNameColon: 'Name of the platform:',
stationstandTopBottom: 'Up-and-down direction:',
stationstandShowName: 'Show name or not:',
stationstandWidth: 'width w:',
stationstandHeight: 'highly h:',
stationstandPositionX: 'coordinates x:',
stationstandPositionY: 'coordinates y:',
switchCode: '道岔编码:',
switchName: '道岔名称:',
switchNameC: '道岔名称',
switchShowName: '是否显示道岔名称:',
switchPositionX: '道岔名称x偏移量:',
switchPositionY: '道岔名称y偏移量:',
turnTime: '道岔转换时间:',
timeoutShow: '是否显示道岔倒计时时间:',
sectionACode: '关联的A Section Code:',
sectionBCode: '关联的B Section Code:',
sectionCCode: '关联的C Section Code:',
switchTpX: '时间x坐标偏移量:',
switchTpY: '时间y坐标偏移量:',
switchCode: 'Switch coding:',
switchName: 'The name of the switch:',
switchNameC: 'The name of the switch',
switchShowName: 'Whether the switch name is displayed:',
switchPositionX: 'Switch name x offset:',
switchPositionY: 'Switch name y offset:',
turnTime: 'The switch changes time:',
timeoutShow: 'Whether to display switch countdown time:',
sectionACode: 'Associated with A Section Code:',
sectionBCode: 'Associated with B Section Code:',
sectionCCode: 'Associated with C Section Code:',
switchTpX: 'Time x offset:',
switchTpY: 'Time y offset:',
textCode: '文字编码:',
textContent: '文本内容:',
textFont: '字体格式:',
textFontColor: '字体颜色:',
textCode: 'Literal encoding:',
textContent: 'The text content:',
textFont: 'Font format:',
textFontColor: 'The font color:',
trainCode: '列车编号:',
groupNumber: '车组号:',
modelCode: '车类型:',
trainCode: 'Train number:',
groupNumber: 'The number of:',
modelCode: 'Car type:',
trainmodelCreate: '新建车类型',
trainmodelUpdate: '更新列车模型',
trainTypeName: '列车类型名称:',
trainLength: '列车长度:',
trainSafeDistance: '安全距离:',
trainMaxSafeDistance: '最大安全距离:',
averageVelocity: '平均速度:',
averageDeceleration: '平均减速度:',
defaultVelocity: '默认速度:',
maxVelocity: '最大速度:',
trainmodelCreate: 'New car type',
trainmodelUpdate: 'Update train model',
trainTypeName: 'Train type name:',
trainLength: 'The length of the train:',
trainSafeDistance: 'A safe distance from:',
trainMaxSafeDistance: 'Maximum safe distance:',
averageVelocity: 'The average velocity:',
averageDeceleration: 'Mean deceleration:',
defaultVelocity: 'The default rate:',
maxVelocity: 'Maximum speed:',
trainWindowCode: '车次窗编码:',
trainWindowWidth: '车次窗宽度:',
trainWindowHeight: '车次窗高度:',
trainWindowSectionCode: '关联区段:',
trainWindowCode: 'Number window code:',
trainWindowWidth: 'Train window width:',
trainWindowHeight: 'Number window height:',
trainWindowSectionCode: 'Related sections:',
deleteTrainWindow: '一键删除车次窗',
createTrainWindow: '一键创建车次窗',
deleteTrainWindow: 'Delete the number window with one click',
createTrainWindow: 'Create a train window with one click',
zcCodeColon: '编码:',
showZc: '是否可见:',
zcCodeColon: 'coding:',
showZc: 'Whether or not visible:',
pathUnitList: '路径单元列表',
startSectionCode: '始端停车点',
endSectionCode: '终端停车点',
pathUnitCode: '路径单元code',
pathUnitMapName: '所属地图名称',
orderNum: '优先级',
pathName: '进路名称',
affiliationStationCode: '所属车站名称',
startingSignalName: '始端信号机名称',
endingSignalName: '终端信号机名称',
pathUnitList: 'Path unit list',
startSectionCode: 'Starting stop',
endSectionCode: 'Terminal stop',
pathUnitCode: 'Path unit code',
pathUnitMapName: 'Map name',
orderNum: 'priority',
pathName: 'In the name of the',
affiliationStationCode: 'Station name',
startingSignalName: 'Name of starting signal',
endingSignalName: 'Name of terminal signal',
routeID: '进路ID',
routeName: '进路名称:',
routeMapId: '所属地图名称',
routeStationName: '所属车站名称',
routeStartSignalCode: '始端信号机名称',
routeEndSignalCode: '终端信号机名称',
routeID: 'Route ID',
routeName: 'In the name of the:',
routeMapId: 'Map name',
routeStationName: 'Station name',
routeStartSignalCode: 'Name of starting signal',
routeEndSignalCode: 'Name of terminal signal',
startSectionCodeColon: '始端停车点:',
endSectionCodeColon: '终端停车点:',
startSectionCodeColon: 'Starting stop:',
endSectionCodeColon: 'Terminal stop:',
routePreview: '进路预览',
accessType: '进路性质类型',
automaticAccessType: '自动进路类型',
nearSectionCode: '接近区段名称',
continueProtectSwitchData: '延续保护道岔数据',
accessSideTurnoutData: '进路侧防道岔数据',
routePreview: 'In the preview',
accessType: 'Access property type',
automaticAccessType: 'Automatic access type',
nearSectionCode: 'Close to segment name',
continueProtectSwitchData: 'Continue to protect switch data',
accessSideTurnoutData: 'Access side turnout data',
turnBackRailName: '折返轨名称',
routeSegmentData: '进路自动触发区段数据',
routeProtectsData: '进路延续保护区段数据',
accessPhysical: '进路物理区段数据',
routeAccessScreenData: '进路屏蔽门数据',
routeAccessTurnoutData: '进路道岔数据',
hostileApproachData: '敌对进路数据',
relation: '关系',
associatedRoute: '关联进路:',
turnBackRailName: 'Name of reentrant rail',
routeSegmentData: 'The approach automatically triggers the segment data',
routeProtectsData: 'Path continuation protects segment data',
accessPhysical: 'Access physical segment data',
routeAccessScreenData: 'Access screen door data',
routeAccessTurnoutData: 'access switch data ',
hostileApproachData: 'hostileApproachData ',
professor: 'relation',
associatedRoute: 'associatedRoute:',
associatedHostileRecord: '关联敌对记录',
routeArc: '是否自动追踪/联锁自动触发:',
routeFlt: '是否车队/联锁自动进路:',
delayUnlockingTime: '延时解锁时间:',
accessTypeColon: '进路性质类型:',
associatedHostileRecord: 'Associated hostile record',
routeArc: 'Whether automatic tracking/interlock triggers automatically:',
routeFlt: 'Whether convoy/interlock automatic approach:',
delayUnlockingTime: 'Delay unlocking time:',
accessTypeColon: 'Access property type:',
automaticAccessTypeColon: '自动进路类型:',
startSignalId: '始端信号机ID:',
endSignalId: '终端信号机ID:',
automaticAccessTypeColon: 'Automatic access type:',
startSignalId: 'Initial signal ID:',
endSignalId: 'Terminal signal machine ID:',
switchType: '道岔类型',
switchId: '道岔ID',
accessSwitchList: '进路道岔数据:',
accessStandList: '进路屏蔽门数据:',
accessSectionList: '进路物理区段数据:',
turnBackSectionCode: '折返轨ID:',
routeFlankProtectionList: '侧防道岔数据:',
routeOverlapSwitchList: '延续保护道岔数据:',
routeOverlapSectionList: '进路延续保护区段数据:',
routeTriggerSectionList: '进路自动触发区段数据:',
nearSectionCodeColon: '接近区段ID:',
switchType: 'Switch type',
switchId: 'Switch ID',
accessSwitchList: 'Access turnout data:',
accessStandList: 'Access screen door data:',
accessSectionList: 'Access physical segment data:',
turnBackSectionCode: 'Turn back track ID:',
routeFlankProtectionList: 'Side turnout data:',
routeOverlapSwitchList: 'Continue to protect switch data:',
routeOverlapSectionList: 'Path continuation protects segment data:',
routeTriggerSectionList: 'The approach automatically triggers the segment data:',
nearSectionCodeColon: 'Close to extent ID:',
thenList: '交路列表',
startStation: '起始站',
endStation: '终到站',
thenList: 'Then list',
startStation: 'Originating station',
endStation: 'Into standing',
routingCode: '交路code',
routingName: '交路名称',
startStationCodeColon: '起始站:',
startStationCode: '起始站台',
endStationCode: '终到站台',
routingDirection: '方向',
remarks: '描述',
remarksColon: '描述:',
trafficSegmentData: '交路区段数据:',
startSectionColon: '起始区段:',
endStationColon: '终到站:',
endSectionColon: '终到区段:',
routingCode: 'Routing code',
routingName: 'Pay the road name',
startStationCodeColon: 'Originating station:',
startStationCode: 'The starting platform',
endStationCode: 'Into the platform',
routingDirection: 'The direction of',
remarks: 'describe',
remarksColon: 'describe:',
trafficSegmentData: 'Traffic segment data:',
startSectionColon: 'The starting blocks:',
endStationColon: 'Into standing:',
endSectionColon: 'Into sections:',
stationCodeClomn: '车站编码',
blockCodingClomn: '区段编码',
stationCodeClomn: 'The station code',
blockCodingClomn: 'Block coding',
routing: '交路',
routing: 'Pay the way',
linkageSwitchList: '联动道岔列表',
linkageSwitchList: 'Linkage switch list',
switchACode: '道岔1编号',
switchBCode: '道岔2编号',
switchACode: 'Switch number 1',
switchBCode: 'Switch number 2',
switchACodeNum: '道岔ID 1:',
switchBCodeNum: '道岔ID 2:'
switchACodeNum: 'Switch ID 1:',
switchBCodeNum: 'Switch ID 2:'