import { Staticmodel } from '@/jlmap3d/jl3dpassflow/config.js'; //loader import { FBXLoader } from '@/jlmap3d/main/loaders/FBXLoader'; import { OBJLoader } from '@/jlmap3d/main/loaders/OBJLoader'; import { OrbitControls } from '@/jlmap3d/main/control/OrbitControls'; import { ModelManager } from '@/jlmap3d/jl3dpassflow/loader.js'; import { SkeletonUtils } from '@/jlmap3d/main/utils/SkeletonUtils.js'; import { Pathfinding } from '@/jlmap3d/jl3dpassflow/utils/Pathfinding.js'; // const Pathfinding = window.threePathfinding.Pathfinding; import { ZoneManager } from '@/jlmap3d/jl3dpassflow/model/zonemanager.js'; import StompClient from '@/utils/sock'; import { Loading } from 'element-ui'; // const Pathfinding = window.threePathfinding.Pathfinding; var clock = new THREE.Clock(); let delta; let scene,camerass,renderer; let rendermode = 0; var mixers = []; var testmesh1,testmesh2; var humans = []; var checkdoor1 = []; var checkdoor2 = []; var station; var zhajiinmodel; var zhajioutmodel; var monitor; let ids = 0; let humanlist = new THREE.Group(); let originhuman1 = null; let originhuman2 = null; let originanima1 = null; let originanima2 = null; let moveanimatelist = []; let zhajiin = []; let zhajiout = []; let deviceaction = []; let passerwebwork = new Worker("../../static/workertest/passsimulation/passer.js"); let stationwebwork = new Worker("../../static/workertest/passsimulation/station.js"); let stationzon = new ZoneManager(); for(let i=0;i<5;i++){ checkdoor1[i]={ id:"c1"+i, status:0, pos:[], max:10 }; } for(let i=0;i<5;i++){ let zhaji = { id:"in0"+(i+1), status:0, waiting:0 } zhajiin.push(zhaji); } for(let i=0;i<5;i++){ let zhaji = { id:"out0"+(i+1), status:0, waiting:0 } zhajiout.push(zhaji); } let stationleft = []; let stationright = []; for(let i=0;i<22;i++){ let sl = { id:"left"+i, status:0, waiting:0 } stationleft.push(sl); } for(let i=0;i<22;i++){ let sr = { id:"right"+i, status:0, waiting:0 } stationright.push(sr); } var windowWidth = window.innerWidth ; var windowHeight = window.innerHeight; var views = [ { left: 0, bottom: 0, width: 0.5, height: 0.5, background: new THREE.Color( 0.5, 0.5, 0.7 ), eye: [ 3.7, 16, 26 ], up: [3.7, 10 ,16 ], fov: 30 }, { left: 0, bottom: 0.5, width: 0.5, height: 0.5, background: new THREE.Color( 0.5, 0.5, 0.7 ), eye: [ 3.7,17,-4 ], up: [ 3.7, 10 ,16], fov: 30 }, { left: 0.5, bottom: 0, width: 0.5, height: 0.5, background: new THREE.Color( 0.7, 0.5, 0.5 ), eye: [ -60, 6,11], up: [ -59, 5.9,11 ], fov: 45 }, { left: 0.5, bottom: 0.5, width: 0.5, height: 0.5, background: new THREE.Color( 0.5, 0.7, 0.7 ), eye: [ -7,17,2], up: [-7, 10, 8], fov: 60 } ]; export function Jl3dpassflow(dom) { var scope = this; this.dom = dom; this.nowcode = null; this.animateswitch = false; this.signallights = []; this.mixers = []; this.showmodel = null; //初始化webgl渲染 renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer({ antialias: true }); renderer.setClearColor(new THREE.Color(0x000000)); renderer.setSize(dom.offsetWidth, dom.offsetHeight); this.dom.appendChild(renderer.domElement); //定义相机 camerass = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera(70, dom.offsetWidth / dom.offsetHeight, 0.01, 1000); camerass.position.set(0, 80, 40); camerass.aspect = dom.offsetWidth / dom.offsetHeight; camerass.updateProjectionMatrix(); for ( var ii = 0; ii < views.length; ++ ii ) { var view = views[ ii ]; var camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera( view.fov, window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight, 1, 200 ); camera.position.fromArray( view.eye ); camera.lookAt( view.up[0],view.up[1],view.up[2] ); = camera; } //定义场景(渲染容器) scene = new THREE.Scene(); scene.background = new THREE.Color(0xa0a0a0); var mesh = new THREE.Mesh(new THREE.PlaneBufferGeometry(200, 200), new THREE.MeshPhongMaterial({ color: 0x999999, depthWrite: false })); mesh.rotation.x = - Math.PI / 2; mesh.receiveShadow = true; scene.add(mesh); var grid = new THREE.GridHelper(200, 20, 0x000000, 0x000000); grid.material.opacity = 0.2; grid.material.transparent = true; scene.add(grid); //定义全局光 let ambientLight = new THREE.AmbientLight(0xffffff, 1.3); scene.add(ambientLight); // // var spotLight = new THREE.SpotLight(0xffffff); // spotLight.position.set(-50, 60, 15); // spotLight.castShadow = true; // spotLight.shadow.mapSize.width = 1024; // spotLight.shadow.mapSize.height = 1024; // scene.add(spotLight); this.controls = new THREE.OrbitControls(camerass, dom); this.controls.maxPolarAngle = Math.PI / 2; this.controls.minPolarangle = Math.PI / 5; this.controls.maxDistance = 800; this.controls.screenSpacePanning = true; this.controls.update(); this.selectmodel = null; const Color = { GROUND: new THREE.Color( 0x606060 ).convertGammaToLinear( 2.2 ).getHex(), NAVMESH: new THREE.Color( 0xFFFFFF ).convertGammaToLinear( 2.2 ).getHex(), }; const ZONE = 'level'; const SPEED = 10; const OFFSET = 0.2; THREE.Pathfinding = Pathfinding; let level, navmesh; let groupID, path; const playerPosition = new THREE.Vector3( -3.5, 0.5, 5.5 ); const targetPosition = new THREE.Vector3(); const pathfinder = new THREE.Pathfinding(); const mouse = new THREE.Vector2(); const raycaster = new THREE.Raycaster(); var loader = new THREE.OBJLoader(); // load a resource loader.load( // resource URL '../../static/model/path/path.obj', // called when resource is loaded function ( object ) { console.time('createZone()'); const zone = THREE.Pathfinding.createZone(object.children[0].geometry); console.timeEnd('createZone()'); pathfinder.setZoneData( ZONE, zone ); const navWireframe = new THREE.Mesh(object.children[0].geometry, new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({ color: 0x808080, wireframe: true })); navWireframe.position.y = OFFSET / 2; // scene.add(navWireframe); navmesh = object.children[0]; // scene.add(navmesh); // Set the player's navigation mesh group groupID = pathfinder.getGroup( ZONE, playerPosition ); }, // called when loading is in progresses function ( xhr ) { console.log( ( xhr.loaded / * 100 ) + '% loaded' ); }, // called when loading has errors function ( error ) { console.log( 'An error happened' ); } ); document.addEventListener( 'mouseup', onDocumentMouseUp, false ); function onDocumentMouseUp (event) { mouse.x = ( event.clientX / window.innerWidth ) * 2 - 1; mouse.y = - ( event.clientY / window.innerHeight ) * 2 + 1; camerass.updateMatrixWorld(); raycaster.setFromCamera( mouse, camerass ); const intersects = raycaster.intersectObject( navmesh ); if ( !intersects.length ) return; console.log(intersects[0].point); targetPosition.copy( intersects[0].point ); originhuman1.position.copy( playerPosition ); // Teleport on ctrl/cmd click or RMB. if (event.metaKey || event.ctrlKey || event.button === 2) { path = null; originhuman1.position.copy( playerPosition.copy( targetPosition ) ); return; } path = pathfinder.findPath( playerPosition, targetPosition, ZONE, groupID ); let points = []; points.push(new THREE.Vector3(originhuman1.position.x,originhuman1.position.y,originhuman1.position.z)); for(let i=0;i 0.05 * 0.05) { // velocity.normalize(); // // Move player to target // playerPosition.add( velocity.multiplyScalar( dt * SPEED ) ); // // originhuman1.lookAt(); // originhuman1.position.copy( playerPosition ); // } else { // // Remove node from the path we calculated // path.shift(); // } if(originhuman1.curve){ if(originhuman1.progress<1){ let point = originhuman1.curve.getPointAt(originhuman1.progress); //更新模型坐标 originhuman1.position.x = point.x; originhuman1.position.y = point.y; originhuman1.position.z = point.z; if((originhuman1.progress+0.001)<1){ let tangent = originhuman1.curve.getPointAt(originhuman1.progress+0.001); originhuman1.lookAt(new THREE.Vector3(tangent.x,originhuman1.position.y,tangent.z)); } originhuman1.progress += 0.05; }else{ playerPosition.copy( originhuman1.position ) } } } window.onresize = function () { renderer.setSize(scope.dom.offsetWidth, scope.dom.offsetHeight); windowWidth = scope.dom.offsetWidth ; windowHeight = scope.dom.offsetHeight; camerass.aspect = scope.dom.offsetWidth / scope.dom.offsetHeight; camerass.updateProjectionMatrix(); } this.anime = null; this.modelmanager = new ModelManager(); let loadingInstance = Loading.service({ fullscreen: true }); this.modelmanager.loadpromise(Staticmodel, scope.mixers).then(function (data) { // console.log(scope.modelmanager); initstationanimation(scope.modelmanager.station.mesh); initzhajiinaimation(scope.modelmanager.zhajiin.mesh); initzhajioutanimation(scope.modelmanager.zhajiout.mesh); level = scope.modelmanager.station.mesh; monitor = scope.modelmanager.monitor.mesh; scene.add(monitor); inithumans(); loadingInstance.close(); scope.switchrender(true); animate(); }) function inithumans(){ originhuman1 = scope.modelmanager.man1.mesh; originhuman1.progress = 1; scene.add(originhuman1); originhuman2 = scope.modelmanager.man2.mesh; let mixer1 = new THREE.AnimationMixer( originhuman1 ); let mixer2 = new THREE.AnimationMixer( originhuman2 ); originanima1 = originhuman1.animations[ 0 ]; originanima2 = originhuman2.animations[ 0 ]; originhuman1.remove(originhuman1.children[2]); scene.add(humanlist); scene.add(scope.modelmanager.man1.mesh); for(let i=0;i<200;i++){ var mantype = Math.floor(Math.random()*(3-1+1))+1; let newhuman; if(mantype == 1){ newhuman = THREE.SkeletonUtils.clone( originhuman1 ); newhuman.animations = []; newhuman.animations.push(originanima1.clone()); }else{ newhuman = THREE.SkeletonUtils.clone( originhuman2 ); newhuman.animations = []; newhuman.animations.push(originanima2.clone()); } // zhajiin[j].waiting = 1; let mixer = new THREE.AnimationMixer( newhuman ); mixer.runplay = false; let action = mixer.clipAction( newhuman.animations[ 0 ] ); newhuman.status = 1; newhuman.stage = 0; let newone = { id:i, mesh:newhuman, direct:null, doorstatus:null, doors:null, action:action, mixer:mixer, runrail:null }; humans.push(newone); mixers.push(mixer); humanlist.add(newhuman); } } let checkobject = setInterval(function(){ // console.log(originhuman1); if(originhuman1){ console.log("start"); clearInterval(checkobject); //进站控制 startWorker(); // stationwebwork.postMessage("on"); // passerwebwork.postMessage("on"); }; },1000); this.switchrender = function(mode){ if(mode){ rendermode = 0; renderer.setViewport( 0, 0, scope.dom.offsetWidth, scope.dom.offsetHeight ); renderer.setScissor( 0, 0, scope.dom.offsetWidth, scope.dom.offsetHeight ); renderer.setScissorTest( false ); renderer.setSize(scope.dom.offsetWidth, scope.dom.offsetHeight); camerass.aspect = dom.offsetWidth / dom.offsetHeight; camerass.updateProjectionMatrix(); }else{ rendermode = 1; } } function startWorker(){ passerwebwork.onmessage = function (event) { if(humans){ // console.log(humans.length); // console.log(humans.length); for(let i=0;i=0;i--){ if(mixers[i]._actions[0].isRunning()){ mixers[i].update( delta ); } } }; stationwebwork.onmessage = function (event) { // console.log("stationwebwork"); if(humans.length<200){ newhumancreate(); } }; } //循环渲染函数 function animate() { // console.log(rendermode); if(rendermode == 0){ renderer.render(scene, camerass); scope.controls.update(); }else{ monitorrender(); } delta = clock.getDelta(); tick(delta); requestAnimationFrame(animate); } function moveanimateinit(model,name,points,index,speed){ let curve = new THREE.CatmullRomCurve3(points); curve.curvrtype = "chordal"; // curve.getLength(); // curve动画轨迹 // progress动画进度 // enable当前动画开关 // speed动画速度 // console.log(curve); let animate = { name:index, index:index, curve:curve, progress:0, directchange:false, enable:true, status:"start", speed:speed, }; humans[index].runrail = animate; humans[index].status = 1; humans[index]; humans[index].mixer.runplay = true; moveanimatelist.push(animate); } function moveanimateupdate(){ if(humans.length>0){ for(let i=0;i=1){ // let point = humans[i].runrail.curve.getPointAt(1); //更新模型坐标 // console.log(moveanimatelist); if(humans[i].status == 1){ humans[i].runrail.enable = false; humans[i].runrail.progress = 1; humans[i].mixer.runplay = false; humans[i].action.stop(); humans[i].status = 0; if(humans[i].stage == 4){ humanlist.remove(humans[i].mesh); // humans.splice(i,1); } if(humans[i].stage == 3){ if(humans[i].direct == 1){ stationleft[humans[i].doors].waiting = 0; }else{ stationright[humans[i].doors].waiting = 0; } humans[i].stage = 4; } if(humans[i].stage == 2){ humans[i].stage = 3; } if(humans[i].stage == 1){ humans[i].stage = 2; } if(humans[i].stage == 0){ // console.log(humans[i].doors); zhajiin[humans[i].doors].waiting = 0; humans[i].stage = 1; } moveanimatelist.splice(i,1); } }else{ //根据动画进度获取动画轨迹上点 let point = humans[i].runrail.curve.getPointAt(humans[i].runrail.progress); //更新模型坐标 humans[i].mesh.position.x = point.x; humans[i].mesh.position.y = point.y; humans[i].mesh.position.z = point.z; if((humans[i].runrail.progress+0.001)<1){ let tangent = humans[i].runrail.curve.getPointAt(humans[i].runrail.progress+0.001); humans[i].mesh.lookAt(new THREE.Vector3(tangent.x,humans[i].mesh.position.y,tangent.z)); } humans[i].runrail.progress += humans[i].runrail.speed; point = null; } } } } } function newhumancreate(){ var direct = Math.floor(Math.random()*(3-1+1))+1; var mantype = Math.floor(Math.random()*(3-1+1))+1; // console.log(direct); let points = []; let newhuman; if(mantype == 1){ newhuman = THREE.SkeletonUtils.clone( originhuman1 ); newhuman.animations = []; newhuman.animations.push(originanima1.clone()); }else{ newhuman = THREE.SkeletonUtils.clone( originhuman2 ); newhuman.animations = []; newhuman.animations.push(originanima2.clone()); } if(direct == 1|| direct == 2){ let testposition = stationzon.getzoneposition("enter1"); newhuman.position.set(32,10,25); points.push(testposition); points.push(new THREE.Vector3(26,10,21)); points.push(new THREE.Vector3(18,10,18)); }else{ let testposition = stationzon.getzoneposition("enter2"); newhuman.position.set(32,10,-5); points.push(testposition); points.push(new THREE.Vector3(26,10,12)); points.push(new THREE.Vector3(24,10,17)); points.push(new THREE.Vector3(18,10,18)); } let j = Math.floor(Math.random()*(4-1+1))+1; points.push(new THREE.Vector3(-0.5+j*1.4,10,18.5)); // zhajiin[j].waiting = 1; let mixer = new THREE.AnimationMixer( newhuman ); mixer.runplay = false; let action = mixer.clipAction( newhuman.animations[ 0 ] ); var stationdirection = Math.floor(Math.random()*(2-1+1))+1; let newone = { id:humans.length, mesh:newhuman, status:1, stage:0, direct:stationdirection, doorstatus:null, doors:j, action:action, mixer:mixer, runrail:null }; humans.push(newone); mixers.push(mixer); humanlist.add(newhuman); moveanimateinit(newone,humans.length,points,,0.002); // return newone; } function initstationanimation(object){ let mixer = new THREE.AnimationMixer( object ); let newclip = object.animations[ 0 ]; for(let j=0;j