# XianNccDa (xian-ncc-da-client) xian ncc 调度决策辅助客户端 ## 项目 clone 说明 此项目包含子模块,拉取方式: - 1.在克隆主项目的时候带上参数 --recurse-submodules - 2.或者 clone 完成后,在项目目录中执行:git submodule init && git submodule update ## 安装依赖 ```bash yarn # or npm install ``` ## 编译 proto 文件 ```bash yarn run proto # or npm run proto ``` ### Start the app in development mode (hot-code reloading, error reporting, etc.) ```bash quasar dev # or yarn run dev # or npm run dev ``` ### Lint the files ```bash yarn lint # or npm run lint ``` ### Format the files ```bash yarn format # or npm run format ``` ### Build the app for production ```bash quasar build ``` ### Customize the configuration See [Configuring quasar.config.js](https://v2.quasar.dev/quasar-cli-vite/quasar-config-js).